Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Beyoncé Accused of Copying Japanese Artist

Pop star Beyoncé has a nasty habit of copying other artists [click here here here and  here if you missed that], and now Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama accuses Beyoncé of stealing his concepts for The Renaissance Tour...


Shafrika Lights said...

That's right, call her out!

Anonymous said...

Beyonce doesn’t design her costumes so she didn’t copy anything. Her designer sho did though.

R in NYC said...

She's so unoriginal.

Anonymous said...

The original art is just as disturbing,

Anonymous said...

Sue or stfu

Anonymous said...

I’m no Beyoncé fan. She’s super overrated, but the audacity of this Japanese artist is astonishing. The Japanese have straight jacked black culture. They even fix their hair to look like Afros. So, black culture is open to be jacked by the world. However we have to respect everyone else’s style and culture? GTFOH

Anonymous said...

@8:32 We have to respect the rights of individual artists. Sheeeesh. This man is not a stand-in for all Japanese art in the Japanese universe. Bey’s people blatantly ripped off his creations. They need to pay.

Anonymous said...

This Japanese "artist" is NOT the originator of the look himself, this is a look from a German occult film, which is used Beyonce's team quite often call Metropolis made in 1927, so this so-called "artist" needs to call himself out for jacking the work of those long before him.

Anonymous said...

8:32 Y'all literally make every conversation about race and culture when it's not necessary or relevant. Sh*t is so exhausting

Anonymous said...

Japanese are Gentiles.
Bow Down.

Anonymous said...

@847. Until you spoke up, only one poster mentioned race but you wrote "Y'all literally make every conversation about race and culture."

If nothing else, your usage of "literally" is incorrect.

Also, we get to talk about race and culture as much as we like and however we like.

LOLOL said...

And he copied it from >>>>>This concept is not new.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I’ve seen this in the 80s. He was inspired by something that existed before him so this doesn’t look like new original stuff. Now, having said that, her people prolly were inspired by this guy lol

Anonymous said...

What, where, who would she be if she wasn't an alleged thief?

Anonymous said...

This is kind of a reach, on his end.

Anonymous said...

How can “she” be a thief when the issue lies with her creative people? Y’all just making ish up.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 I guess you don't remember Beyonce saying that she was in TOTAL CONTROL. She steals.... people need to deal with that.

Anonymous said...

Ok…If he’s the same designer of Tron then she and her team are guilty.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this look somewhere before. Idk if it was in a George Michael video or somewhere in the era. But Beyonce is a copycat and always thieving. Neyo put her in her place. She didn't get away on him trying to say she wrong the song.

Anonymous said...

Did she or didn't she?

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe she protected Cassie. That’s another lie

Anonymous said...

Beyonce has stated that she is hands in in EVERYTHING aim her career from wardrobe to stage, so yes she is responsible for stealing from people. She made a joke about it and said other artist hate her and her team coming to their concerts, because they get inspired and take from them. So yeah, she knows and DOES NOT CARE. 💯

Anonymous said...

Here is a VIDEO OF BEYONCE ADMITTING IN HER OWN WORDS SHE STEALS from OTHER ARTISTS AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT. So yes…she knows exactly what she is doing to other artists. All you people blaming her creative team and saying she doesn’t know, she’s telling you herself, not only does she know, but she steals from others and finds it funny. 🎯


Anonymous said...

How many times she's going to show us she's a robot ok we get it dayum!!!!!

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