Friday, November 10, 2023

Michael Oher Received $138,000 for The Blind Side

Back in August retired football player Michael Oher, subject of the critcally acclaimed film The Blindside, petitioned the court to end his conservatorship after accusing LeighAnn and Sean Tuohy of tricking him into signing away his rights [click here if you missed that].

Now it's being reported that Oher received only $138,000 from a movie that earned more than $300 million at the box office....

Michael Oher was paid more than $138,000 in proceeds from the book and movie “The Blind Side,” the couple the former NFL player accused of misleading him said in a court document Wednesday.
An accounting document filed by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy lists payments going back to 2007, a year after the book was released, up to the most recent payment this April. The book and Oher's life would become the basis of a 2009 film.
A statement of accounting by the couple’s lawyer, filed in probate court in Shelby County, Tennessee, said members of the family, including Oher, agreed to divide the proceeds of both five ways.
Oher, a former NFL offensive tackle, in August filed a court document alleging the Tuohys misled him into believing they adopted him when they took him in as a teenager.
Instead, they placed him in a conservatorship, a petition to terminate the conservatorship says.
The petition said Oher made no money off the film, which was released after he completed his college career and would not have affected his NCAA eligibility.
According to the petition, Oher does not recall signing the agreement for the rights to his life story. The document has a signature that appears to be his, but “nobody ever presented this document to him with any explanation,” the filing says.
A representative for Oher did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.


Anonymous said...

He probably signed the document trusting these demons without going to an attorney. It’s coming out that they manipulated him. They never intended to adopt him but would take advantage of him if it gave them a financial advantage.

Anonymous said...

Took advantage of a vulnerable young black teen with no biological parents in the picture and no type of financial literacy education! Very sad! They knew exactly what they were doing 😤

R in NYC said...

And I bet they still consider themselves good Christian people. God would have never approved of their fleecing of Mr.Oher. I hope he gets all the money he's due.

Vernell said...

ONLY $138,000! From A Movie That Grossed Over 3 Million!!! I am Really Interested To Find Out, How Much The Tuohy's Got From The Book & Movie...

Anonymous said...

He didn’t have his own attorney.

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