Monday, November 20, 2023

Mariah and Monroe Carey Sing a Duet

Monroe Carey sings a duet with her mother, Mariah Carey, on the opening night of Mariah'a Christmas tour...


Anonymous said...

Make Nick proud.

Anonymous said...

That’s Monroe Cannon.

Anonymous said...

Those tiaras are a mess.

R in NYC said...

I love me some Mimi

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Mariah has her preteen daughter dressing in age appropriate clothing. Meanwhile, Kim has put North in thotler clothing since she was two.

Anonymous said...

Mariah raising her kids right. The twins looks like they may escape the trap/curse that a lot of celebrity kids fall into. Mariah’s twins seem like they have manners, and love and respect her. 🎯

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful

Anonymous said...

Does the girl not have her legitimate father's last name; Cannon??

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