Friday, November 10, 2023

KeKe Palmer's Mother Speaks Out

Last night it was reported that actress Keke Palmer filed a restraining order against her son's father, Darius Jackson, accusing him of domestic violence [click here if you missed that]. 

The report started a chain reaction with KeKe Palmer's mother chiming in about the allegations....

After the news went viral Darius shared a picture of himself holding his son telling him he loves him and that he will see him soon. 

Then Darius' brother, actor Sarunas J. Jackson, shared a post seemingly siding with KeKe against Darius. 

That's when KeKe's mother snapped and accused Sarunas of being well aware that his brother had been abusing KeKe.

Sarunas deleted his post and denied KeKe's mother's claims, but also threatened to expose her.


Anonymous said...

…what he mean the babies? And I think he was talking about Ke Ke snitch. But he need to shut his tyrannosaurus trap because I don’t think his baby mama is a fan of him either.

Anonymous said...

People should wait and see. We have had different situations where women are getting exposed for lying and altering situations. Why would she post a still but not the entire video? 🤔🤔🤔 She could have hit him first but is posting a still if the video to alter our perception. She is the one with the money so I’m very sure she controls all the footage. Keep in mind, the usher situation was a bad look for her. This could be her way to win everyone on her side again. Post the full videos KEKE!

Anonymous said...

He flipped her over the couch and is strangling her. Nothing warrants that.

Anonymous said...

It’s time to do some straightening‼️Darius and his b***h a$$ brother ARE NOT “Foundational Black Americans. In fact Darius and Sarunas identify as Afro-Panamanian or Afro-Latinidad, a collective cultural identity of Latinos of full or partial African descent. These dysfunctional men DO NOT represent FBA or the beliefs of or actions of FBA. FBA in no way condones violence against women in any shape, form or fashion. As for Darius and his brother they are f**k boys!

Anonymous said...

@12:04 I was confused too with the, “babies” part as well but it all made sense once his baby momma Dominique put out a statement! He’s referring to his child and his nephew because him and his brother both are “allegedly” abusive towards women 🥴

Anonymous said...

Who cares where he's from? That has nothing to do with his actions in this situation.

Anonymous said...

@3:49 You big dummy! Everybody cares where he is from! That’s why we’re discussing this now! KeKe Palmer’s mom alluded to Darius’s family and dysfunctional background in the video. Darius and Sarunas identify as Afro-Panamanian or Afro-Latinidad, a collective cultural identity of Latinos of full or partial African descent.

Anonymous said...

Of course she’s going to threaten your family! Your brother is beating her daughter and apparently abusing the son as well. he’s the one who’s hurting your nephew!

The documents say that he got rough while changing the child’s pamper then when Kiki took over he hit her in the head!

He’s been threatening to commit suicide and apparently has a gun! This could’ve been a murder suicide he should be grateful his nephew is alive and that his brother is only facing prison.

Anonymous said...

Y’all need to get a life for real

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