Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Diddy Trolls Warner Bros. with Batman Costume

Last night Sean 'Diddy' Combs announced that Warner Bros. accused him of violating their trademark and barred him from being The Joker for Halloween [click here if you missed that].

Diddy trolls the studio by dressing as The Batman instead...


Anonymous said...

People who are this into Halloween have something to hide. And with Diddy, could be anything. Murder, homosexuality, evil business practices. Something has never been right with him, he's sold his soul.

Anonymous said...

Diddy better remember he is a black and better
leave them people alone
He better remember who run the industry
I can understand if he was defending himself
Bcus they did something to him
But he is taunting them after the fact
They do their own in , in that industry
If they are disrespectful
So I dont know what Diddy is trying to prove

Anonymous said...

Halloween was yesterday. Who cares about this????

Anonymous said...

This shows that he complied with the letter.

Anonymous said...

When is his time going to be up. The ancestors are tired and retribution should be near.

Anonymous said...

This is lowkey funny tho! But Diddy better be careful...them white folks love money more than that hate black people. They're gonna protect their intellectual property. The don't want black people messing up they money. This is TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Wake me when he dresses as the joker. Again.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Clive Davis is still "allegedly"
Diddy's "Mentor"

R in NYC said...

Diddy stay with some f**kery to stay relevant.
We as a collective are bored with him.

Anonymous said...

How immature. This ninja hates to be told no. All the things he’s done to his artist and he doesn’t want nobody to tell him nothing. He keeps on he’ll be wearing fire for the rest of his life cause those white people are going to put him in hell

Anonymous said...

People of all shades, and races has and does dress as these characters, why is it an issue for this guy?

Anonymous said...

Creatives should be more creative.

Anonymous said...

This is not Black Excellence.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The only time these black devils call out racism and discrimination is when they can't reach that glass ceiling into true bluebird illuminati circles. Give it P $hitty and the rest of you Clowns.....No nakers allowed!! Deal with it!!

Anonymous said...

He better ask Bill Cosby what happens
when you start making mockery

Anonymous said...

@3:51pm. I’m thinking the same thing. It’s November. Ain’t nobody thinking about Halloween.

It was a nice comeback, but he should have saved it for next year.

Anonymous said...

A creative with no creativity.

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