Friday, November 24, 2023

Diddy Denies Allegations From Third Accuser

This week a third woman came forward accusing Sean 'Diddy' Combs of sexual misconduct [click here if you missed that]. 

Diddy flat out denies the claims...

From TMZ
A spokesperson for Diddy tells TMZ ... "These are civil suits with fabricated claims of misconduct from over 30 years ago, which are nothing but a blatant money grab. Mr. Combs is being unfairly targeted by anonymous accusers who lie for financial gain. The New York Legislature never intended the Adult Survivors Act to be exploited."


The King Of The Real said...

I'm with Diddy on this one.

Anonymous said...

Good guys don't have these problems.. hopefully Diddy can learn from.this. Stop raping and beating young women.

Anonymous said...

The smartest thing for present day assault victims to do is at the very least have a doctor document their injuries. Cause the he said she said from 30 years ago will not last forever.

Anonymous said...

"You know I’m Automatically ATTRACTED to Beautiful - I Just Start Kissing them. It’s like a MAGNET. Just kiss. I DON’T EVEN WAIT. And WHEN YOU’RE A STAR THEY LET YOU DO IT. You Can Do Anything. GRAB Them By The Pussy. You CAN do ANYTHING."- The Great Pumpkin

Anonymous said...

liar liar pants on fire

Anonymous said...

she is not lying Davonte swing seen the video of rkelly former band mate Aaron hall raping her ,,,,,Diddy problem is he liked to flaunt to much

Anonymous said...

Diddy time has come

Anonymous said...

Russell Simmons and Diddy have always given creepy vibes.

Anonymous said...

@8:31pm Good Guy's Can Have These Problems if They Are Falsely Accused.

Anonymous said...

@11;20 well Diddy isn't a good guy. He did all of those things to Cassie and much much more.

R in NYC said...

He denied Cassie too so his denial means nothing

LOLOL said...

He couldn't deny Cassie because there are too many witnesses to the fact.
Everybody come out. Gay children too.

Anonymous said...

Poor Diddy! If this is true then he is one sick soul. With all that money, I don’t have to be a slick playa to get any pu**y I want.

Anonymous said...

You got away with so much dirt over the years your downfall is long overdue.

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