Monday, November 20, 2023

Cardi B Slams Joe Biden Over New York City Budget Cuts

Rapper Cardi B goes off on President Joe Biden over the tight new budget unvield by New York Mayor Eric Adams...


The King Of The Real said...

UMMM She should talk to your Govenor and then to your Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Slashing the NYPD budget I was like meh. I think they harass you more than help in NYC, but hearing the funding they’re going to slash from the schools as if these kids aren’t struggling enough?! That broke my heart. At this rate, parents will soon have to pay for quality education or teach their kids themselves at home. It’s already a teacher shortage, bus driver shortage, teachers are underpaid, but spending out of their own pockets to get thru the school year, and now this. Folks better stop giving education the short end of the stick.

Anonymous said...

Why is this site mirroring Sandra,?
Maybe Snitch is Sandra.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, she really should stay in her lane.

Anonymous said...

3:08 She pays a ton of taxes and has the right to inform her millions of followers about this matrix. If she can get the youth focused on becoming alert about this system, then God bless her.

Anonymous said...

Glad she's speaking about things that politicians probably don't want her to bring attention to.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of politicians, please post updates on Marilyn Mosby's mortgage fraud case in Maryland and her upcoming trial in January.

Shafrika Lights said...


Anonymous said...

@3:54. Like Ice Cube, Cardi needs to stay in her lane UNTIL she knows what she's talking about. Wars are funded by federal dollars. State and city budgets are funded by state and federal dollars, but the states (states' legislators) control the budget. This isn't a Biden call. Cardi is off the mark as the first poster pointed out. Annnnd, even if it was a federal problem, it falls in the hands of congress, not Biden.

If she really wants to make a difference then write a hit song about wars, about poor people fighting in wars while poor people stay poor. A song like that will get her fans involved, not some off-the-cuff comment while putting on her makeup.

Anonymous said...

wasn't she part of the crime problem in new york.What about her court case.

Anonymous said...

I hope that biden is not re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Does she understand that New York budget isn't controlled by the US gov't? Is she stupid? She needs to be calling out her NY Mayor, Governor, etc. first...dummy

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