Saturday, October 07, 2023

Snoop Dogg Smokes Out Ed Sheeran

Singer Ed Sheeran claims he once smoked so much with rapper Snoop Dogg that he went temporarily blind...

From The Sun
ED Sheeran got so high on a night out with Snoop Dogg that he lost his sight — all in front of his mother-in-law.
The Eyes Closed singer, 32, took his wife Cherry and her mum Ann backstage following the cannabis-loving rapper’s show in Australia, in March, when he accidentally overdid it.
He recalled: “I remember him meeting my mother-in-law and being like, ‘What’s up, queen?’
"I’ve sort of got quite close friends with Russell Crowe over the years and he is really close with Snoop Dogg.
“I don’t really smoke at all but I was in the dressing room and they were just like blunt for blunt for blunt for blunt. I was like, I guess at some point during the night, I have to, just to say I smoked with Snoop Dogg.”
But admitting it went awry, he told the Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend podcast: “He was like, ‘Do you want some?’ so I have a bit and I was like, I don’t feel too bad, this is good.
“Then I have a bit more, and then I have a bit more, and then I have a bit more.
“I just remember looking at him and being like, I can’t see right now.”


Anonymous said...

They're just wasting good weed. Tsk.

Anonymous said...

I really don't like Snoop. Fifty y.o. and still hasn't evolved.

Anonymous said...

When you smoke that much folks catch the big C.

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