Monday, October 02, 2023

Letitia James Addresses Trump Fraud Trial

Last week Donald Trump was found liable for fraud ahead of the $250,000,000 civil fraud lawsuit filed against him by New York Attorney General Letitia James [click here if you missed that].

AG James holds a press conference today before the start of the trial...


Anonymous said...

Let’s goooo! But it is time for criminal, not more civil cases

Anonymous said...

We ALL know Trump a CON ARTIST AND A LIAR. NOTHING new learned from this. New Yorkers tried to tell people years ago. Trump is actually a Democrat who saw a weakness in the Republican party and seized the party. The real Republican party is too weak to defend themselves, now only Magna stands strong. Both Biden and Trump to old to run. America has an obsession with old as dirt white men as leaders.

Anonymous said...

It's $250 million, not $250k.

Anonymous said...

Seeing a Black woman walk the MAGA lovers hero like a dog is quite refreshing.

Anonymous said...

I've always known Trump was flat broke and got in office to return favors to rich Russian oligarchs he owes big money to. He won't talk about Putin because, according to Mr. Dick Gregory, while Trump would be flying over there before he became president, the Russian government would allegedly record his hotel encounters. So they have him sowed up.

Anonymous said...

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she said as for not as much money you think you have. We all know if it wasn’t for the brain dead MAGA, Trump would be on skid row

Anonymous said...

I am not following this mess, Trump should have never been president, he's a con artist, grifter, liar and was unfit for public office, the idea they are not putting reality actors in the highest office is a joke, that damn system is beyond broken. Time for a new party, for the people, by the people. I refuse to follow this circus, they learned nothing from Ronald Reagan an actor, who destroyed the mental health system. I have whitefatigue.

Anonymous said...

Some employers won't hire people with low credit scores. This clown bankrupt a casino & became a u.s. president.

Anonymous said...

Trump still gon win in 2024!!!! Love you president Trump!!!❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ«‘
The same people that are commenting are the same ones gon be begging for Trump once the illegals takeover! Black people voting Republican in 2024. The commenters are paid shills & agents!

Anonymous said...

@6:43 bot and what are you? Ain’t no black people checking for an orange 🍊 person who hates everybody including his own children. Trump is trash posing as being wealthy. If it wasn’t for his supporters he’ll be in the unemployment line

Anonymous said...

Trump the biggest thug in a suit

Anonymous said...

@ 5:47, The greatest thing Trump did for America was pull down the curtain and show the entire world that everything we were taught society valued was a lie because even an ignorant man could be president. So he atleast gave dummies hope and made an ass out of America.

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers definitely been on about Trump. That’s why the majority don’t fool with him. Now he has all these white identified Hispanics putting him in the lead for the Republicans because the self haters want him to build a wall. I just smh at it all. And like someone mentioned above, I too think Joe and Trump are too old to run for presidency. And it’s a HELLNAH for DeSatan. Send him back to the core of the Earth!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Deathsantis is worse than trump

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