Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Lauryn Hill Arrives Two Hours Late in Newark

Lauryn Hill, who is currently on tour with The Fugees, is notorious for being a minute or two late for her shows [click here here and here if you missed that].

Last night in Newark, NJ was no different...


Anonymous said...

Complaining about Lauryn Hill being late when you know that's what she does is asinine...the right DJ would have had them two hours lit...a whole party before she came out....I think some people just bought tickets so they could play victim online...


Anonymous said...

So unprofessional

Chelle said...

I don't know why thats a surprise. I will never see her
She treats her fans awful. She just wany your money. She don't care she late. Wake up

Anonymous said...

I’ll never waste a time with buying a ticket to see this lady

Anonymous said...

Ain't nobody buying tickets to play victim online so you can ice that mess.

I might see them when they come through Detroit next month. They'll be here the week of Thanksgiving. I know she'll be late, but I can hang if I decided to go.

Anonymous said...

People just don’t learn. I love LH’s music but I would never pay to see her perform live.

Kendall said...

I love Lauryn and she is pure talent. She has a stank attitude but 85% of these celebrities do.
It is what it is.

Anonymous said...

Time to let her being a performer go. She has one yes only one successful solo album.

She's damaged and nothing will ever bring back the fuguees magic that was only because of the remixes.

Anonymous said...

10:03, she's really not "pure talent" that's why she hasn't had another successful album. With the right team of talented people, anyone can put out a great album (Macy Gray's first album is a classic!). Lauryn ain't all that talented (she can sing and rap sure), she was just an it girl at the time and a bunch of record execs propped her up to make them money.

Anonymous said...

I want to see her in Detroit so bad but I have to go to work the next morning. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Anonymous said...

She needs a be tending to the kids cause didn’t one of them out her?

Kendall said...

Macy Gray is a washed up has been. Wasnt she just on Dancing with The Stars????

Lauryn would NEVER! She is selling out venues with ONE album.
Macy has TEN and cant even sell out her front porch....

Anonymous said...

I saw Ms. Hill live back when "Miseducation" dropped, Outkast was her opening act. I refuse to sully the memories of that pristine performance by cheapening it with her present-day shenanigans. Nope, nope, nope.

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