Monday, October 16, 2023

Cardi B Explains Her Tenant Situation

Over the weekend rapper Cardi B explained to fans why she prefers Birkin Bags over real estate as a gift...


Anonymous said...

I understand Cardi on this one. I am not rich by any means and part of my income comes from invest properties that I worked hard to get. I was always taught black people should own land since they work do hard to keep it from us. πŸ’―

I have had to evict twice and both times it was over 10 grand once the fees and damages were paid out of my pocket. The tenants although judgement was for me never bothered to pay the judgment and it’s to hard to chase these scammers down. Landlords very rarely get reimbursed and in Los Angeles they won’t allow evictions to show on record, so these bums know how to work the system. It’s a sad day in America when a trifling purse holds it value more than a house.

I’m thinking of selling my properties because they have been more trouble than good. And now with the new Laws passed in LA it is even harder to get these scammers out. If you are thinking about investment properties look at your state/cities law wherever you are, especially in major cities like L.A., New York, and Texas. It may or may not be worth it. Big companies can take evictions because the rules are different for them and they have so many tenants they can just write it off, but for the small individual landlords they are trying to drown us. I have had 2 small landlord friends go under from tenants who won’t pay and won’t get out. You can’t turn off any of the utilities so you are paying their water, gas, electric, and your mortgage while they are living for free with government assistance. And no the government does not really help small landlords with assistance, they don’t care about us. It is just not fair. A bag nowadays is worth more than house. America is broken and has been BOTH parties at fault for a while. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Anonymous said...

I just can’t get over these nails. How do they do anything with them

Anonymous said...

Good info ☝🏾 Thx for sharing

anonymous said...

^^@12:35pm speak on it! Everyone thinks you're king when you own investment property but it's not setup for us single owners who bootstrap.

Anonymous said...

Nails, eyelashes, and bbl… drive me crazy that this is what’s popular with everyday life around you.

Anonymous said...

@1:01 don’t forget baby hairs around the edges

R in NYC said...

Cardi and them damn nails have me vexed. You can't properly wash your lady parts or azz with those.

Anonymous said...

Birkins were valuable when they were rare. Now they just depreciate and when another bag becomes hot they’ll be worthless.

Anonymous said...

@2:41 Do you actually own rental investment property? Because it doesn't sound like you do. 12:35 is correct. A bad tenant can SINK a small landlord. They are stuck paying all the bad tenants bills PLUS their own.

Unfortunately society is so sick and focused on the wrong things, like looking at Cardi's nails instead of the real talk message shes giving, that they dont see whats actually going on until its too late and affects them

It's stupid but true, Chanel and Birkin INCREASE in value not decrease is appreciated value like certain cars and housing. Which is why some people buy houses and end up losing money, in trying to flip/resell it. Property use to be a guaranteed wealth builder but the government is working REAL HARD to kill that dream. Big companies like Black Rock trying their best to put small landlords out of business and own everything. There is a war on small landlords and the housing markets are starting to reflect that.

That's why they are slowly but surely killing Airbnb, they are purposely blocking small landlord money to force them to sell to corporate or lose the property and big corporate will just come scoop it up. Instead of focusing on Cardi's apperance people need to focus on the knowledge she's dropping because it's the TRUTH. My best friend has a woman living in her property for over a year the woman has paid nothing, the courts shield these scammers and they know it, and by the time they do get out it can break some small landlords. My friend is facing bankruptcy and a mental breakdown. They want you to lose your property for pennies on the dollars and like I said companies like Black Rock are greedily waiting like a wolf at your door. Property for the middle class in NO LONGER a guaranteed wealth builder, it could be your downfall.

Anonymous said...

Cardi's dumb azz aint droppin no knowledge and people can address her tacky azz looking talons because she keeps throwing them nasty looking shyts up in the air. That dumb bish clearly said out her mouth she's not even gonna bother going after them in court and don't care any more. How is that enlightening when she has more money and resources than the average and can literally afford to get new tenants in a second? Somebody probably told her to invest in real estate and she did it, no research or education involved. She's a bird and she's only bitching about her situation because she's too lazy to understand what it takes to deal have rental property.

I'm a landlord and yes it's facts that one bad tenant can break you. I'm dealing with a guy now who pays on time every month but he treats my house like a garbage can because he's nasty and doesn't clean. I just had to go over there to deal with busted pipes and leaking toilets because he don't take of anything. I don't think he own a vacuum cleaner or mop. But the fact is I have insurance and his rent goes into escrow for emergencies. You can't call yourself a real estate investor, depend on rent as a sole source of income and never plan for emergencies or extenuating circumstances. That's just foolish. But that's what people think being a landlord is about -- just collecting a check.

As for the value of Birkin, that's some dumb shyt I only hear birds chirp about. Birkins aren't traded on the NASDAQ or anywhere else and all I need to kill the value is spill some fking ink on it or cut it with a knife. Now tell me how valuable they are after that.

Anonymous said...

Ok that's stupid. Cocaine and herion aren't traded on the NASDAQ but steal from the Cartel and see how quick they kill you and the family dog. Value is based on perceived value. Birds will miss paying rent over Beyonce and Taylor Swift tickets over paying rent to keep a roof over their heads. Those bags are for some people staus symbols and as long as people are willing to be stupid and keep buying or stealing them, their value isn't going down.

Anonymous said...

I agree with her on this. I had some rich and compassionate landlords at a time and got behind. At the end of the day my money didn't make or break them, but I feel giving me grace was very good karma for them. At the end of the day the property made them hundreds of thousands of dollars and they technically didn't lose. Sometimes philanthropy hits close to home.

Anonymous said...

So maybe Cardi getting a 5 million dollar deal allows her to show grace for $20k in back rent.

Anonymous said...

Do you all understand the history of Birken bags? They were extremely valuable when they only made a few of them every year and there was a literal 10-year wait to buy one. Now Birken bags are mass produced and anyone can own one. What used to have real value now is reduced to a made up price tag based on nothing, which stupid people are willing to pay. In 30years Birkens and mass produced bags will be worthless.

Anonymous said...

^^Actually your comparison is stupid because drugs are illegal and their perceived value doesn't come from tangible or intangible properties that's tied to mass demand (i.e. supplies and materials). There's a difference between creating a marketing frenzy to inflate the price of something (remember Bitcoin?) vs. a sound investment that may yield a consistent return over a long period of time. Real estate appreciates in value based on market conditions, supply and demand, etc., because it's a commodity that people NEED. Don't nobody NEED no coke or dope or a damn Birkin, all of which can be flushed down a toilet, remanufactured or replaced at minimal cost.

Anonymous said...

Continued ...
It's just like fine art. There's only one original Mona Lisa and that's considered an investment. Now go make 100 reproduced Mona Lisa's and let me know how valuable they are.

Anonymous said...

They will sell and make their profit. They aren’t trying to kick anyone out. Seems to be the one thing absent amongst the negative criticism. It’s not that deep. She may not speak as articulate as you want her to speak but she gets her point across without spelling it out.

Anonymous said...

@9:41 pm exactly πŸ’―

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