Sunday, October 22, 2023

Brian McKnight Changes His Name to Match His Youngest Son

Back in June Brian McKnight Jr. announced he would not be changing his name after his estranged father, R&B singer Brian McKnight Sr., named his infant son with his new wife, Brian [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Brian Sr has changed his name to match his youngest son's name...

Brian announced on Instagram that his legal name is now Brian Kainoa Makoa McKnight Sr. 


Anonymous said...

Well Damn.

Anonymous said...

What kind of name is that for a ninja”

Anonymous said...

He should have made Brian the middle name. People could still call the child Brian if it's a middle name. This nicca just wanted to cause some heartache.

Anonymous said...

He married a Moabite really.

Anonymous said...

Black women in America are the true Moabites! What race of women are more overly sexualized & worship materialism more than them? Just being honest. Judah 🦁 must stop procreating with the daughters of Lilith.

Anonymous said...

These supremists know that without the Black woman, the Black race will crumble that's why the attacks are unrelentless because Black men have become self hating icels.

Anonymous said...

This dumb broad doesn't realize that the former Brian McKnight is a walking red flag and will soon turn on her too

Anonymous said...

Something is truly demented about this. That man has some volcanic level trauma in his soul. His new son isn't the 2nd coming for him to be doing all this hucka-bucking over.

Anonymous said...

He is one sick puppy.

Anonymous said...

Who knew.

DaughterofZ said...

@7:50 Hollerin

Anonymous said...

Wow… he really has hatred for his black son with his ex black wife.

Anonymous said...

My daddy was a narcissist to my mama, just like he was a narcissist to his second wife. My baby daddy was trash to his ex wife, trash to me, and trash to every woman after me. It took lots of therapy, but I'm in a peaceful space now. Regardless, I learned that when a man treats people in his life (who he is supposed to love) like trash, just hold on cuz your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

I’m glad his kids are grown. Block and delete him, talk to a therapist if needed and carry on in their lives. He would be dead to me.

Anonymous said...

Too many of our black entertainers are spiritually lost and dysfunctional. They have no self respect or dignity. Out here doing sucka s**t.

Anonymous said...

This poor baby… he’s like destined to show brian mcknight what a horrible dad he is

Anonymous said...

He has the darkest distain for his first family!

Anonymous said...

If "I'm a diabolical unrepentant malignant narcissist" was ever a person, it would be this despicable POS here. His older children are better off without him and this new baby doesn't know what's coming. Also, his new wife and stepchildren are just as $hi++y for cosigning on this vile, revisionist mess!!!

Anonymous said...

Clown behavior

Anonymous said...

In other words he is still known as Brian McKnight.

Anonymous said...

The level of contempt is off the charts with this one. He's sick in the head and I would change my last night to my mother's maiden name if I were his adult children. There's no way I'd ever want to be associated with this piece of trash if I were them. That current wife better have some good hoodoo ready in her back pocket because bay-beee when it's her turn it's finna be fiyah.

Anonymous said...

It’s clear he hated having to marry his 1st wife only bc he got her pregnant and he had come from that type of home, but now having a mixd baby with those step kids has just set him on a whole nother life of hatred. Sick dude who, like r.kelly, can never be on my life playlist.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He’s gonna find out how costly this decision will be.

Anonymous said...

Internalized self hate is so real.. My son married a Filipina so I am not speaking on something I do not know about..

Anonymous said...

Insta-sham 'perfect marriage'. The ex-wife is well rid. He comes across as seriously unhinged.

Anonymous said...

POS man, but I do have to say that the name of the album is marketing genius! If he wasn't this demented, and was this was made earlier in his career, I think it would have been successful.

Anonymous said...


Not hucka-bucking🤣🤣 You went back to your deep southern roots with that one😂😂

R in NYC said...

That woman has put a spell on him.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care about him myself. He's dated and if your still into this rubber face simp then more power to you.

Anonymous said...

I was never a fan anyway, I am even less now.

Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad. Mental illness is alive n poppin. But even cray folks can have compassion for their kids. Hell is hot.

Anonymous said...

What a dumb post who cares about Brian McKnight, just another way to show your miserable self. You not happy so no one else can be

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