Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Venice Police Investigating Kanye West Incident

Last week Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori stunned onlookers in Venice after getting intimate on a water taxi in full view of paparazzi [click here if you missed that].

Now in investigation has been launched....

Now MailOnline can exclusively reveal that police in the lagoon city - popular with British holidaymakers - have identified the driver of the taxi they were on.
He is expected to be questioned in the next few days about what exactly he saw on the boat and police are also asking for photographers to hand over the images that went around the world.
A Venice police source said: 'There are standards of public decorum that have to be followed by tourists and locals alike and any breaches are severely punished.
'The images of West with his trousers down while in a taxi as he and his partner crossed the lagoon were seen all over the globe.
'You could clearly see his trousers were half down and we have received complaints from people who witnessed it. Now we have identified the driver of the boat and we will be asking him what he saw as well.
'The images show the couple clearly in a state of intimacy and if the local prosecutor decides to press charges then we will notify the couple, most probably through the relevant embassies.
'The offence being investigated is acts contrary to public decency which is punishable by an administrative sanction.'
Kanye and his wife have since left the city and are currently in Ireland.


Anonymous said...

Why waste your money to investigate a man getting a blowjob from his woman?

Anonymous said...

^Because he's Black and a rapper. You know those white rockers have done worse on all those canals, but we're the ones get pulled over. I bet he usually gets a pass on this kind of behavior, but not this time.

The King Of The Real said...

We dont care. Man gots 4 kids and is 40 doing high school crap

Anonymous said...

They should be banned.

Anonymous said...

It’s called deterrence

Anonymous said...

They should be banned from the city.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

If you see nothing wrong with what he did in public, you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

This is beyond stupid! You want to hurt Kanye and his play wife just call them boring and tired. The only thing Kanye cares about is nobody caring.

Anonymous said...

I was deleted too and my comments are pretty lame and light hearted. So for it to happen today just means it was a probably a tech malfunction, not an explicit or risqué posting that broke any rules on a bathroom wall.

Anonymous said...

I agree 5:51

Anonymous said...

@12:21 Ye is 46yrs old … just FYI

Anonymous said...

He's lucky he's not being arrested. Public lewdness is illegal and there were kids walking around. This is the same man who complained that his daughter was being corrupted because she was on tiktok. He's lame and a liar.

Anonymous said...

I bet he got C H E E S E d***
That girl probably got gangrene in her gum tissue.

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