Thursday, September 21, 2023

Emma Roberts Apologizes to Angelica Ross

This week 'Pose' star Angelica Ross called out her 'American Horror Story' co-star Emma Roberts for misgendering her on set and creating a hostile work environment [click here if you missed that].

Emma has apologized...


Anonymous said...

Emma should have apologized and good on Angelica for posting the apology. Otherwise, we would never know.

Anonymous said...

Participating in someones delusion makes you an enabler not an ally.

Anonymous said...

I’da never forgiven that ish. Keep your apology white girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who cares!? You got misgendered in 2018? And we all should care ? These trannies need to man up

Anonymous said...

Sorry… not sorry! 🤞🏾

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do we need to know?
That was funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

But you are a boy, Damon

Anonymous said...

This blog is so homophobic. Just spouting ignorance and probably because they’re in the closet.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who either of these fools are, and quite frankly couldn't care less.

Anonymous said...

I agree don’t know who these people are either.

Anonymous said...

Cuz we need to know if a b!tch is an ally or not. I know, I don’t speak for errybody…. Just some.

Anonymous said...

She should apologize, but for the disrespect...not for not being an ally.

Anonymous said...

Angelica is "leaving Hollywood" and she's not going quietly. I caint wait to hear what she has to say.

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