Thursday, August 31, 2023

Tyler Perry Documentary Coming to Prime

A documentary about Tyler Perry, directed by his former partner, Gelila Bekele, is coming to Prime...


Kendall said...

I have such a love hate thing for Tyler Perry. His writing isnt that great but it is entertaining at times.


Anonymous said...

Any Booty story's? I got ๐Ÿฟ ready. Lolo

Vernell said...

I'm not Interested in seeing a Cherry Picked Version of, TYLER PERRY'S LIFE STORY. His-Story will be Far Removed ,from His True Story . The documentary will have missing chapters...

Anonymous said...

@ 12:58 PM… I swear! Time for Mr. Winston Jerome to live his truth! Switch hitters out’chea batting & catching! ⚾️ ๐Ÿคจ

Anonymous said...

We wants Da Cockumentary! ☕️ ๐Ÿธ

Anonymous said...

Tyler is never coming out.

And quite frankly he doesnt have to.

Mind your business

R in NYC said...

Welp I pay for Prime so I guess I'll take a peep at it.

Anonymous said...

I have no shade to throw on Mr. Perry. Good for them, I celebrate my people's doing their thang.

Anonymous said...

I’m not a fan of his tv/movie/plays, but I’ll support him otherwise and watch any documentary on him. Good for him

Anonymous said...

Never been interested in Tyler except when he has his house coat and wig on. Since we will never, ever hear, read or watch how much the real him prefers to keep his stockings and heels on. That's a pass

Anonymous said...

The Boondocks Did It Better

Anonymous said...

Can Not Stand This Drag

Anonymous said...

Black Females Celebrating A N igga In A Wig Mocking Them ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฟ‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Yall been watching drag all your lives but NOW its a problem??? Be sure to keep this same energy for Cedric, Martin, Eddie, Jaleel, Robin Williams and Jamie and Adam Sandler.

Anonymous said...

I’m watching. Tyler is interesting. People can say what they want but he’s brilliant in his lane. I can sit and binge watch his stuff all day. I like seeing some of my fave actresses and actors in his projects. They always bring their A game!

Anonymous said...

That pic up top makes him look like R Kelly’s brother, cousin , relative of some sort and now I can’t unsee it.

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