Friday, August 18, 2023

Tuohy's Agree to End Michael Oher Conservatorship

Two weeks ago retired football player Michael Oher, subject of the film 'The Blindside', accused Sean and Leigh Ann Tuohy of tricking him into an adult conservatorship instead of adopting him [click here if you missed that]. 

Now the Tuohy's have agreed to end the conservatorship...

From NY Post
The family who took in former NFL star Michael Oher, inspiring the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side,” plan to end their conservatorship — which he’s challenging in court, claiming they duped him out of millions of dollars.
Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy will enter into a consent order to end the conservatorship, their lawyer Randall Fishman said at a news conference Wednesday.
Oher, 37, claimed the conservatorship allowed the Memphis couple to retain legal power over him and that they made millions from “The Blind Side” — which grossed $300 million at the box office — while didn’t get a cent.
Oher sought to have the conservatorship ended and asked for a full accounting of the money earned off the use of his name, including the blockbuster 2009 flick starring Sandra Bullock and the novel that inspired it.


Anonymous said...

The Finesse is Over huh since being exposed? I never believed nor trusted them white folks/“saviors” of the downtrodden negro! Something wasn’t right & I’m glad the brother is out from under them.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. He was never scamming anyone. He was the one who earned the income. They were the ones who wanted his money.

Anonymous said...

Did that also include an itemized list of all of their accounting related to the movie and book that he requested?

R in NYC said...

Good 4 him.

Anonymous said...

Great. If they loved him like they so claimed, they wouldn't have had to be publicly shamed to do it.

Anonymous said...

Forensic accountant

Anonymous said...

Forensic Accountant

Anonymous said...

Conservatorship? Was he slow or mentally challenged that he was not able to manage his own business/finances?

Kind of like the elephant in the room while people are gagging over his money like they have a chance at getting it by supporting him. Sounds like they did him a huge favor that NO ONE else would have done.

Anonymous said...

3:51 PM He did an interview where he said that the movie made him look mentally challenged, however he was NOT. He addressed this. He sounded fully articulate to me. It sounds like he trusted them fully when he was a teen and now that he's grown, he doesn't need their help anymore. LET HIM FREE!

Anonymous said...

3:51 that’s something a yt would say while they stand in line waiting to take advantage of the next ninja. Pls go away.

Anonymous said...

Missing the point.
He is 37 years old. If they had conservatorship of him from his teenage years until now. What kept him from taking ownership of his finances when he was 21 years old? He went along with the charade obviously as long as they shelled out portions of his own money to him to be satisfied.
So what was going on that he wasn’t able to handle his affairs as and adult is expected to do?

Anonymous said...

**as an **

Anonymous said...

Saying that’s what yt people would say is pretty dumb.

The story is of a white couple getting over on a black kid for greed …. in hindsight. If speaking in an logical way is yt to you I can see why the school system is failing the kids. Lord help you! Lol! No really, lord help you!! Lol!!

Anonymous said...

Because people keep asking why it took so long for him to find out…he legally married his long term partner in February. When he did that and started making wills/trusts for his now legal family (dependents), his lawyers discovered the true terms of the conservatorship and no legal contract of adoption. The Toueys were apparently against him getting married because they knew their misdeeds would come out and that he couldn’t no longer be a dependent requiring their management of funds.

Anonymous said...

So, had he not married and had a family of his own this grown ass man close to 40 years old wouldn’t have thought to have lawyers look at the conservatorship. Got it!

Anonymous said...

@6:23 if doesn’t matter when he found out, it matters that he DID. If they weren’t scamming him, they wouldn’t have given up the conservatorship.

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