Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tasha K Trying to Settle with Cardi B

Earlier this month rapper Cardi B filed a lawsuit against gossip vlogger Tasha K after Tasha filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying the $4 million judgement awarded to Cardi after successfully suing Tasha for defamation of character [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Tasha is trying to work out a settlement...

The blogger who owes Cardi B millions after losing a defamation lawsuit brought by the singer has offered to pay a 6-figure sum to settle the $3.9 million she was ordered to pay the rapper, has learned.
According to court documents obtained by, Tasha K, who filed for bankruptcy earlier this year after Cardi started garnishing her wages, has submitted her proposed plan to repay her creditors.
Tasha’s biggest creditor is Cardi B, who was awarded $1 million in general damages, $250k in medical expenses, $1.5 million in punitive damages, and another $1.3 million for her legal fees by a Georgia jury.
In her bankruptcy petition, Tasha listed her assets in the $50-$100k range but her liabilities were in the $1 million to $10 million range. Her only assets included a 2021 Chevrolet Silverado, home furniture, $500 worth of electronics, $2,500 worth of clothes and 2 Louis Vuitton purses.
Now, Tasha has filed her proposed repayment plan. The blogger said there are two classes — creditors with secured claims and creditors without secured claims. The first class consists of the $52k owed for a 2021 Chevy Silverado. Tasha said she will continue to make the $1k per month payments.
Per the proposed plan, the next creditors in line to be paid will be the IRS which is owed $84k and the Georgia Department of Revenue owed $40k.
Tasha said her proposed plan will pay an additional $220k to unsecured creditors which includes Cardi B. The blogger offered to pay $220k over 20 quarters.
Per the filing, Cardi would receive $220k of the $3.9 million owed. The rapper has yet to respond to the plan but will have an opportunity to vote to approve or deny it.


Anonymous said...

This is so sad
All she had to do was just leave Cardi alone
And stop bullying her
From what I read was Cardi just asked
her to stop speaking recklessly about
her and Tasha just wouldnt
Why are humans like this

Anonymous said...

Classic case of, “F**K around and find out” that’s what she gets 🏌🏾‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Costly lesson.

Anonymous said...

I guess tasha going to be careful next time she get jealous of a lite-skin vajay Jay. Hater

Anonymous said...

What is sad is that to many people don't realize qhat a bully Cardi is. Tasha was wrong but she has been trying to setup payment arrangements but Cardi wants all of the $4 million at once! Cardi is threatening to sue someone who just commented on Twitter for talking about her husband being a cheater. She uses the money, fame & LAW to get her way.

Anonymous said...

TK is out of her rabbit A mind. Doofus should have offered a settlement BEFORE the case went to court, but NO she drinking the Kool Aid, doubling down and cracking stake jokes just knowing she would win her case. Now look at her, tail between her legs making a fool out of herself trying to be relevant. Why would Cardi let her off the hook now and end up paying her own legal fees??? Make it make sense. What's in it for Cardi? She should let this crackhead and her descendants suffer as a lesson to all who can't STFU!

Jcee said...

3:26pm Tasha did not try to settle before this in fact she doubled down on saying she didn’t have it and wasn’t going to pay it. She took pictures in front of a African bank acting as if she was hiding money she also took money out an account and said she was going to give it away to someone what part of any of that behavior is trying to settle? The whole point in her filing bankruptcy is to try and circumvent the system and get out of paying cardi funky dineva told her Tasha he was on Fox soul talking about how Tasha told him she was t going to pay cardi and was going to crate another business to funnel money through. She is the definition of you talk too much and you never shut up! But all of this could have been avoided and she would have to settle anything had she just stopped lying it wasn’t about her saying offset cheated it was about her saying she gave her daughter a disease while pregnant and also was doing drugs while pregnant and that her child had autism due to that. Come on now y’all be making excuses for ppl . I understand we black and we trying to stick by one another but I’m not sticking by NO ONE who ain’t right. Meaning I’m not sticking by black men who wrong either! If you wrong you wrong!

No Chiraq said...

Cardi's lawyers sent a request to remove the streams where she spoke negatively of Cardi. TashaK publically refused
Cardi 4 the win

Anonymous said...

Make her beg.

Anonymous said...

I understand the general & punitive damages plus legal fees but what's the $250k in medical expenses for? That's some expensive therapy or pricey medication. Either way, it's a stretch. But hey, you play you pay Tasha K.

Sunno said...

I hope Cardi doesn't accept, that woman basically cyber stalked, online bullied and slandered her. It was obsessive and weird.

Anonymous said...

@3:26pm You obvious don’t know the definition of a bully. Let me educate you. Bully: A person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive vulnerable. Tasha k ten toes down az is no where near vulnerable. Tasha took advantage of Cardi fun nature being relatable to the media when she spoke about her coming up to fame. That’s why Beyoncé made a fandom to stay away from giving anyone her time of day cause of hating folks like tasha. Cardi is celebrity, she can’t fight everybody defending herself. I’m not even a fan of neither of the two.

Anonymous said...

Cardi if you reading this don’t settle! This witch has a spirit of jealousy and she will go right back to her shenanigans. Let this oooglie woman drown in the settlement even if she can’t pay. Consider this settlement as cockroach spray to keep her at bay.

Anonymous said...

Cardi ain't settlin'. She doesn't have to. Tasha is the one needing it. We'll see how that turns out.

R in NYC said...

Tasha really is all kinds of dumb. There is no reason for Cardi to have pity on her and settle. Tasha is smoking some powerful ish.

Anonymous said...

I have seen women do exactly what Tasha has done which is cut off her nose to spite her face. Financial oppression is no joke! When you need permission from the Trustee to fart it isn't fun. Also she ran and entered bankruptcy thinking she could avoid a civil suit judgment which was goofy when she could've issued a fake apology a moved on a year ago. Pride will ruin you and leave you with nothing but bitterness. She spread the lies but yet she refused to humble herself. Then she was hoping to find illness in Cardis personal medical records to win her case and still ended up looking dumb. Her health is noone's business. Can feel sorry for self inflicted wounds.

Anonymous said...

When Tasha crossed the line and asked the courts for her personal medical records, I was so disgusted. No one's health information belongs to a YT blogger. At that point,I would have socked it to her as well. Not only that but judgements can be renewed every 10 years at least 2 times. So right before the statute of limitations runs out, I'd go renew the judgment against her. The worst thing a stubborn gossiping woman can come up against is a woman with a Jezebel spirit because she is going to be on Tashas behind atleast the next 10 years. She's going to break Tasha for not apologizing. That husband of her's doesn't advise her very well. I would've said I got bad information, it happens in the gossip world, and I am sorry. I would've even done a lil tribute or something and made the public love me. Lol

Itty said...

🤣🤣🤣🤣all she had to do was STFU and leave cardi she begging for a settlement. Sorry tasha it doesn't work like that. She won't learn her lesson. Hell just a month ago she was talking shit again.tasha need to have a seat

Anonymous said...

Tasha k is going to have to act fake by pretending to be unbothered. I love it cause that is eating her alive. Tasha a snake with a trifling hood mentality. Broke and ghetto is what tasha said she already know. So pay cardi her monies.💰💰💰💰

Anonymous said...

Make her pay every lying cent back. Now suffer Hella Monster.

Anonymous said...

Tasha k did this to herself playing around like it was a joke. What if cardi said some ignant ish like “she’s going to wipe tasha bankruptcy with her az?” Every low-life fan of tasha kray would pee cry that cardi is harassing the poor snake. Tasha tried to take everyone out vlogging and didn’t think karma would knock at her door. If Beyoncé came at tasha one second window people would shut up while tasha hang herself bragging desperately from the attention she got from the carters while being filed for millions. Tasha would’ve been a millionaire if she just shut up.

Anonymous said...

This dont make no sense.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy… I heard of suicide by cop but suicide by lying. Tasha is playing the victim while slowly hanging herself by owing the I the R the S, the state, cardi with others. Ok-ya We got it tasha, you hate yourself. Stop projecting it!!!

Anonymous said...

Tasha don’t speak on yt people like she does minorities and her own.

Anonymous said...

@350 Cardi asked the court to reduce it from 250k to 25k according to court documents.

Anonymous said...

You can tell tasha is a colorist hating liar. If she’s going to talk about somebody to make her money, she needs to mention the rapper name sexyy red. She’s an agent, for the music industry. They pay her to purposely say all that ghetto, trifling, foul, graphic lyrics. Dancing in front of a Popeyes in a video.Trying to hard to be perverted and freakishly ratchet. Past..Come on now, Anything to make black people look foul as possible and to desensitize the kids intellect.

Anonymous said...

All she literally had 2 so was delete the post......

TRACI404 said...

$220k per Quarter
4 Quarters per year
$220 x 4 = $880k. Per year
Pay her for 20 Quarters
Is 5 years!!! 20x220 = $4.4 million

TRACI404 said...

Is this the proverbial
MOUTH wrote a check her Butt cant cash.

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