Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Sean Tuohy Calls Michael Oher's Lawsuit Deeply Insulting

Last week retired NFL player Michael Oher, subject of the Academy Award winning film The Blind Side, filed a lawsuit against Sean and Leigh Ann Tuohy accusing them of lying about adopting him and tricking him into signing conservatorship papers, allowing them to enrich themselves and their biological children using his name and image [click here if you missed that].

Sean Tuohy calls the allegations deeply insulting...

From People
Sean Tuohy has spoken out about former NFL player Michael Oher's legal petition, which alleges that the Tuohy family did not legally adopt him but tricked him into making them his conservators before making millions from his falsified life story, which was depicted in The Blind Side.
“We’re devastated,” Tuohy told the Daily Memphian. “It’s upsetting to think we would make money off any of our children. But we’re going to love Michael at 37 just like we loved him at 16.”
“We were never offered money; we never asked for money. My money is well-documented; you can look up how much I sold my company for,” said the 63-year-old, who has worked as a sports commentator while also owning a string of fast-food franchises.
“The last thing I needed was 40 grand from a movie,” Tuohy added. “I will say it’s upsetting that people would think I would want to make money off any of my children.”
Tuohy insisted the conservatorship that prompted the filing of Monday’s petition was unrelated to the movie. Rather, it was a way to appease the NCAA, the nonprofit organization that regulates student athletics, when it appeared Oher was likely to play football at the University of Mississippi.
Tuohy was an All-American point guard at the Southern university known as "Ole Miss" and an active supporter of the school. As such, he would qualify as a “booster” under NCAA rules.
“Michael was obviously living with us for a long time, and the NCAA didn’t like that,” Tuohy told the Daily Memphian. “They said the only way Michael could go to Ole Miss was if he was actually part of the family. I sat Michael down and told him, ‘If you’re planning to go to Ole Miss — or even considering Ole Miss — we think you have to be part of the family. This would do that, legally.’ We contacted lawyers who had told us that we couldn’t adopt over the age of 18; the only thing we could do was to have a conservatorship. We were so concerned it was on the up-and-up that we made sure the biological mother came to court.”
Tuohy said that while he and his family had remained close with Oher following the film's release in 2009, he began to notice some distance “maybe a year and a half ago.”
“It’s upsetting, but it’s life, what are you going to do? Certain people will believe us and certain people won’t," Tuohy said. “No question, the allegations are insulting, but, look, it’s a crazy world. You’ve got to live in it. It’s obviously upset everybody.”
“It’s hard because you have to defend yourself, but whatever he wants, we’ll do. We’re not in this for anything other than whatever he wants. If he’d have said, ‘I don’t want to be part of the family anymore,’ we’d have been very upset, but we absolutely would have done it," he continued.
When asked whether the Tuohys would be willing to end their conservatorship of 37-year-old Oher, Tuohy responded, “I want whatever Michael wants."
Oher's attorney J. Gerard Stranch IV told ESPN that the Super Bowl champion recently learned that he was the only member of the family not receiving royalty checks, and hired Stranch to begin looking into the situation. That led the attorney to uncover the conservatorship papers earlier this year that showed Oher was allegedly never officially adopted by the Tuohy family.
"Mike didn't grow up with a stable family life. When the Tuohy family told Mike they loved him and wanted to adopt him, it filled a void that had been with him his entire life," Stranch told ESPN. "Discovering that he wasn't actually adopted devastated Mike and wounded him deeply."


Anonymous said...

Why conservatorship for an adult married man with children?

Anonymous said...

Them ppl can say whatever TF they want BUT the writing is in their book😂. They're LIARS that preyed on a vulnerable kid. The fact that they said they adopted him knowing damn well that was a lie. They made money beyond the movie & never gave Michael a portion.
I have 1 question: How TF can a non parent or non guardian obtain a conservatorship for a kid that's not theirs???

Anonymous said...

Interesting he caps their personal profit at $40k - why wouldn't they have given it to him. Why are they receiving royalty checks and he is not?
There are flies in the milk, Sir.

Anonymous said...

Yt sometimes else y’all.

Vernell said...

Blame The Victim... Smh, Ain't That What Wh!te Folks Have Been Doing Since The 1st Slave Ship Of Africans Landed In The, United Snakes Of AmericKKKa...

Anonymous said...

Yt need to stop.

Anonymous said...

Poor Michael Orr.

Anonymous said...

I believe the brotha, not the other.

Anonymous said...

He signed away his rights using the family lawyer. No bueno.

Anonymous said...

So he was over 18 and his biological mother was also present and no one thought this would be a problem? After he graduated from Ole Miss, why didn't he petition to have the conservatorship removed? He signed away his rights, that his false. Ole boy fucked himself over.

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