Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Ruby Freeman Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Rudy Giuliani

Last month Rudy Giuliani admitted under oath of lying on Georgia poll workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss after publicly accusing them of stealing the Georgia election from Donald Trump [click here if you missed that]. 

Today a judge ruled in favor of Ruby and Shaye in their defamation of character lawsuit against Giuliani...

From CNN
A federal judge has determined Rudy Giuliani forfeits the defamation lawsuit from two Georgia election workers against him, a decision that could lead to significant penalties for the former Donald Trump attorney.
In court in recent weeks, Giuliani said he could no longer contest that he made false and defamatory statements about Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss – who are only one group of plaintiffs suing him for defamation related to his work for Trump after the 2020 election.
A trial to determine the amount of damages for which Giuliani will be held liable will be set for later this year or early 2024, Howell said on Wednesday.
The damages could amount to thousands if not millions of dollars.
Giuliani has already been sanctioned almost $90,000 for Freeman and Moss’ attorneys’ fees in the case, and Howell says the former New York mayor may be saddled with additional similar sanctions.


Anonymous said...

You can't help but to wonder HOW he got as far as he did being so stupid?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this man was once Mayor of the world's greatest city.

Anonymous said...

This just the appetizers… wait til the Biden crime family get locked up!

Anonymous said...

Good. What a pos

Anonymous said...

It's said he didn't get paid from Dump for all the legal lies he committed for him. Rudy not able to pay his bill's. Good luck to all getting any money out of this bleeding turnip.

Anonymous said...

That picture of him and the running die down the side of his face will be his legacy. Every time I see it, I start laughing. He's a joke.

Anonymous said...

All of these stunts have Rudy's name all over them. From the riots to Jan 6th insurrection and even down to these flash mob robberies. Watch the CNN documentary on Rudy and you will see he's a stunt queen that creates situations for ciaos. Then he rides into the sunset with some solution to look like a hero.

R in NYC said...

Happy for her. They terrorized and traumatized this woman.

Anonymous said...

@2:38 whiteness

Anonymous said...

He was once labeled 'America's Mayor.'

Anonymous said...

As a New Yorker I can tell you nobody black voted for him.

Anonymous said...

Guiliani used RICO to help dismantle the mob in the 80's and now it's his turn.

Anonymous said...

He’ll be bankrupt pretty soon bc Dump ain’t paying for him

The King Of The Real said...


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