Thursday, August 10, 2023

Phylicia Rashad Steps Down as Dean of Howard University Fine Arts Department

Two years ago, shortly after her appointment as Howard University dean of Fine Arts, actress Phylicia Rashad was forced to apologize to parents and students for her public support of embattled comedian Bill Cosby [click here if you missed that].

Now Phylicia Rashad is stepping down...

Howard University will be saying goodbye to Phylicia Rashad at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. The legendary actress and HU alumna will step down from her position as dean of Howard University’s Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts after the 2023-2024 academic year.
The transition was announced by Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, the university’s outgoing president, via email on Monday. Frederick will be stepping down from his position next month.


Anonymous said...

Do we know why? What's the tea?
Interesting that the president is also stepping down from his position next month. Coincidence??

Anonymous said...

Deets please.

Anonymous said...


Poster formally known as warrior said...

As she should.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is just over it. But no acting is going on in a strike so she’s clearly not relying on acting jobs. Wonder why. This is happening now

Anonymous said...

She does not have the skills for this job. Before Cosby she was crack addicted and married to the lead singer in the Village People. Before that she lost custody of her only son to her first husband. Learning how to be a college dean was not part of her life experience. Now she can go back to explaining to the world how Bill didn’t do the things he did. Wrong woman for the job.

Anonymous said...

Dang 5:47, tell us how you really feel! I haven't read a dragging like that in years, I am impressed! 🤣

Anonymous said...

I never heard of any of this before. Where you get all this TEA? This was way before the blogs.

Anonymous said...

@7:13 Google it! On the public record.

Anonymous said...

Google Phylicia Rashad and Victor Willis. She wasn’t looking like Mme. Cosby in those days.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I mean the tea is hot but it could also be that she’s old. At 75 she should be at one of her Dr appts, not running a department at a school.

Anonymous said...

That was my thought, 11:10. She probably just wants to sit down in her older age, not dealing with paperwork and mess that comes with running a college. Scheduling, admissions, budgets, promotions, academia... It's a lot for anyone, especially someone who's relatively new to the field and already well past retirement age. She probably thought it would be cushy and wasn't ready for the amount of work involved.

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