Thursday, August 24, 2023

Michael Oher Demands Access to Tuohy Financial Records

Two weeks ago retired NFL player Michael Oher filed a petition to remove Leigh Ann and Sean Tuohy as his conservators after accusing them of lying about adopting him and tricking him into a conservatorship [click here if you missed that].

Now Michael is demanding to see the Tuohy's financial records from the past twenty years...

Michael Oher, the former NFL offensive lineman and inspiration for 'The Blind Side,' claims in his latest filing against his former guardians that he did not receive a single cent from use of his name, image and likeness over the last two decades.
Oher recently filed a petition in Tennessee to terminate a conservatorship initiated by the wealthy Tuohy family in 2004, when he was one of the top teenage football prospects in the country. As a result of that conservatorship – which the family, book and film portrayed as a full adoption – Oher claims he was denied profits that ultimately went to the Tuohys and their two biological children.
Now, in his latest filing, Oher is asking for nearly two decades' worth of financial information, which he claims the Tuohys improperly withheld from him.
The latest motion, filed in Shelby County (Tennessee) Probate Court, was first reported by the Los Angeles Times.
Through their attorney, Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy have claimed that Oher tried to pressure them into paying him $15 million prior to his legal filing in Tennessee last week.


Anonymous said...

This dude just clearly ran out of money. How has he not been interested in their funds until now?

Anonymous said...

They screwed over him legally and he trusted them. Somebody finally tuned him up to how shady that contract was.

Anonymous said...

@11:41 he just got married to a black woman and sis was prob like, oh hell nah....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black man just realized 30 years after the fact that he signed away his life. Is this the leadership black women are supposed to rely on? Hell fucking NO!

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? I couldn't care less, they are throwing everything at the wall, to distract from the current economy tanking, and the skyrocketing homelessness, while they give billions in black American's reparation money to Ukraine. Yes I said it!!!

R in NYC said...

I hope he gets all that he is owed. Those people were already rich so their actions were just greedy.

Jcee said...

12:15pm I think maybe you and some others have missed somethings they didn’t screw over him he knew at 18 years old that those ppl was not adopting his grown arse! The thing about a conservative-ship is YOU KNOW YOU UNDER ONE why because you can’t spend money freely you have to go through the conservator to get funds so he is lying about this. Plus everyone knows that those movies that are loosely based on true events so while the movie portrayed it as the adopted him HE KNEW HE WAS NOT ADOPTED why his last name ain’t the same as theirs? This man is lying and also possibly low on money or wanting to spend up all his money without anyone stopping him. You don’t be under a conservatorship for 20 years and don’t know it. 🤣

Jcee said...

1:11 right but please believe he knew he paying dumb now! So when he goes brown he can blame them. Now I’m not saying these folks may have not skimmed some money for themselves. But I’m saying he is lying about not knowing about the conservatorship. I’ll wait until all of this plays out to

Anonymous said...

To: 11:41 AM

I don't care why or when. If the Tuohys cheated Oher out of earnings and profits from his story & likeness, then they should pay him what he's owed. The Tuohys say Oher was compensation but he says he wasn't, and now they both need to provide proof that substantiates their claims. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

@11:41, only the money he made from the blind side was under the conservatorship. This is the money he wants access to. He made over 34 Million from the NFL? Why is he hounding that money now, is my question?

Anonymous said...

He’s lying. He knew the entire time.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about the situation. I do believe he knew about the conservatorship and is trying to get some sort of cash grab. I also believe his wife is in on this as well. I know she had some sort of boutique online called the Feminsh Collection, but I see the website is no longer working. She probably has looked at their finances and sees they don't have it like she thought.
Putting that all aside, the Tuohy's were rich before all of this. They owned over 200 fast food restaurant chains. The Blind Side movie, however, made them famous and gave them more exposure which allowed them to sale the restaurants and pursue other interest in entertainment via television,broadcasting, etc.
My point is they were already business people, if they cared about him, they should have gave him access to there financial advisors. He could have bought a small restaurant chain, rental properties, anything that would give him positive cash flow. They knew he probably wouldn't manage
his money right, it is the least they could have done giving how they benefited from knowing him. The Tuohy's could have mentored him on staying financially secure.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying Mr.Oher is dumb, but he doesn't seem too bright. He may have some CTE issues. Didn't he beat an Uber driver because he thought they were taking the long route even though they were supposed to be following his now wife?

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