Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Jaylan Banks Seeking Full Custody of Daughter with Faylnn Pina

Last week in a candid interview former Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Falynn Pina accused her ex, Jaylan Banks, of physically abusing her [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Jalyan is seeking full custody of their toddler daughter...

Jaylan Banks has filed for full custody of his one-year-old daughter with Falynn Pina. The news comes 6 months after the two announced their separation via instagram.
Jaylan says that he doesn’t feel as though Falynn “is in the right mental space” for their child right now.


Anonymous said...

He needs to have several seats.

Anonymous said...

All Falyn needs to do is show the video of him slobbering, crying, and hitting the wall.

Anonymous said...

Who dese folks?

Anonymous said...

That's her only daughter and I find it hard to believe she's going to allow him to have full-custody. Good luck with that buddy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good bro… now put her azz on child support! Get you sum 💰money boy get you sum money💰

Anonymous said...

I'm not familiar with them, but I do remember the thread about this lady marketing a "groomer" t-shirt. I wouldn't want her raising my child, either.

Anonymous said...

Can he even afford to raise the kid? What does he do for a living?

Anonymous said...

Jalyn is just upset that he trashed Falyn but she still ended up getting a singer. He had hoped everyone would join the pile up gang and destroy her but he only got like 5 minutes of bash time and now he's butthurt.

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