Tuesday, August 01, 2023

I Promise School Responds to Low Test Scores

This week it was reported none of the 8th grade students from LeBron James I Promise School have passed that state math tests for the past three years [click here if you missed that].

I Promise responds to the reports...

From The LeBron James Family Foundation
"When we started this work to wraparound students through education, we entered this partnership with Akron Public School for the long haul. Because this work requires a long term commitment, hard work, and a lot of love and care. And that’s what we bring each and every day because the I Promise School is more than a school. We’re here for the ups and downs, and will continue to wraparound our students and their entire families so they can be successful in school and in life, no matter the challenges and obstacles that come their way.
"We’re incredibly excited about the upcoming school year and a return to consistency under the leadership of Principal Stephanie Davis, who is the perfect person to lead the I Promise School and all of our families to the success we know they will achieve. Because we will do it together, as a family."


WhichOne said...

Best of luck to them kids

Anonymous said...

Based on that write-up alone I can see why those students are failing. Exhibit A:

Because this work requires a long term commitment, hard work, and a lot of love and care.

Anonymous said...

That's their response? That's it? I would not consider that an adequate response to those alarming stories about students failing to meet the state's mandated math requirement. Furthermore, that statement is filled with grammatical errors. Do better!

Anonymous said...

I read the kids that attend this school are already low performing or has learning disabilities so although that is sad, it’s not shocking to me. The article is misleading though. I never cared for the state test but I do care about the data from assessments. Are these children showing growth in assessments, and quarterly growth? If so F those test. But if they’re not showing growth and failing state test then the school needs to do some revamping.

Anonymous said...

So in other words its right down there with The Smith School of Scientology, Oprah's school of sex, lies and surrogates, Ye's School is Strangeness and the Church of Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

You can add Andre Agassi’s school for inner city kids in Vegas. Exactly the same student description as LeBron’s and it came with a college scholarship guarantee. Didn’t nobody pass basic tests and eventually they closed it down.

Anonymous said...

School or welfare program?

Anonymous said...

They need better educators at that school.

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