Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Donald Trump Bond Set in Fulton County

Last week Donald Trump was indicted, along with 18-codefendants, on election interference charges by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis [click here if you missed that]. 

Trump's bond has been set...

According to reports Donald Trump's bond was set at $200,000. 

As part of his bond conditions Trump cannot communicate "in any way, directly or indirectly" about the case with any of his 18  co-defendants except through his attorney. He has also been ordered not to threaten directly or indirectly any co-defendants, witnesses or victims, including on social media.

The former President is expected to turn himself in on Thursday for booking. 


Anonymous said...

Let’s see how that gag on his mouth goes.

Anonymous said...

^^^ You know his azz will hover on the line, as usual. He'll communicate just enough to get his message across without crossing the line. And other people will speak on his behalf. Unfortunately, he's crazy as a fox and knows how to play this game better than those who set the rules. Bih.

Anonymous said...

My President a “G”!!! Love ❤️ President TRUMP!!! They will not stop you! Black men will stand United in voting for Trump! We’re gonna teach the democrats a major lesson!
We’re voting with logic! Not with our hearts & emotion! All my money πŸ’° getters get it! All you broke folk keep voting democrat & keep hating on greatness! Y’all know nothing about politics & economics anyway! Stick to Love & hip Hop & drill culture & cooning & Zaddy! Can’t wait for the mugshot to drop! Can’t wait to press the t shirts up & turn it into a positive! This will definitely back fire on the democrats & make it an easy win for President Trump!!πŸ«‘πŸ”΄πŸŒŠπŸ˜ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
If you can name me one thing that sleepy joe biden & Obama 🏳️‍🌈 did for black people, I’ll name you 6 things that Trump did! I’ll be waiting… wouldn’t hold my breath though. Snitch please put the click here after the Trump victory post in 2024 & highlight my comment.
We’ll get the last laugh in 2024!😁
Black Men… time to form Voltron! πŸ¦πŸ—‘️⚡️
Bitter broke folk have at it… the floor is yours. 🫲🏾

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the homeless crisis continues to skyrocket, the people being evicted are in dire need of rent control, being pass asap!!! Meanwhile, racist ass Ukraine continues to get billions in American hard-earned money, while Americans are in dire strait. The "alien" distraction didn't work, as nobody gave a flying f*ck when the rents are out of control, so now it's this continued circus, meanwhile the economy continues to skydive.

Anonymous said...

Why they so jealous of Trump?? They so e-v!l while they world is going to h3ll in a hand basket. These misfits don’t know there’s a higher power….. in effect mode.

Anonymous said...

ALL THESE POLITICIANS ARE CORRUPT INCLUDING TRUMP. Trump, Ivanka and Jared left with over 2 Billion grifted dollars. That crackhead Hunter didn’t come anywhere close to the grift Trump and his kids did. Then they put in fake electors to try and stay in power and got those yt clowns 🀑 climbing the capitol like “return to ape mountain”. 🦧 Republicans and Democrats are corrupt. America needs a purge because none of our elected officials care about us. We need a complete overhaul of our government and democracy.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 9:58 AM aka "Mr. Passport Bro" aka JustaWomanPretendingtobeaBlackMan to titillate the viewers. Same corny emojis, same altered reality, same lame azz story.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 Nobody cares about that obese orange grifter. You better focus on getting his bail money together since that fake billionaire running out of cash. This ain’t Faux Fox News or Q. We don’t care about him and all your emojis not fooling us, we are NOT voting for Cheeto twice impeached.

Anonymous said...

@12:44 PM Exactly all these so called politicians can go to hell with gasoline drawls on.

Anonymous said...

Cornel West '24

Anonymous said...

I see some of the Dump supporters just arrived from the Loonie Bin.

Anonymous said...

Young Thug is in jail going thru his trial but OLD THUG can post bond & stay free til his trial.

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