Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Tina Knowles Files for Divorce

For months there have been rumors that Tina and Richard Lawson's marriage was on the rocks [click here if you missed that].

The rumors were true...

From TMZ
Beyoncé's mom, Tina Knowles, is pulling the plug on her second marriage ... filing for divorce from her actor husband, Richard Lawson, after 8 years of marriage.
Tina beelined it to court Wednesday and filed for divorce ... this according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.
She lists the date of separation as Tuesday, and Tina is rolling with the usual irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split.
In the docs, Tina is asking the court to terminate the court’s ability to award spousal support to her or Richard.
Tina's apparently changed her name to Celestine Lawson when she married Richard ... and now she wants to have her named restored to Celestine Knowles.


Anonymous said...

Me sliding into old Richard DM’s 🤭

Anonymous said...

Ole Richard cant take that Tina dominance. She got standards that he can't live up to. Not enough coins coming in. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

The Witch Spelled Backfired 💅🏿

He Took A Mill & Jewels & DISAPPEARED 🙌🏿

SideNote- Venus Is Going Retrograde...

More 💔 To Come

Anonymous said...

Get yo free!! He looks miserable

Anonymous said...

Good for him, she seems high maintenance and hard to please.

Anonymous said...

Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, Richard is free at last.

Anonymous said...

9:49 yup! I agree.

Anonymous said...

Why go back to wearing the name of the other guy you divorced? Matthew has a Mrs Knowles. Too bad he’s living his life and she’s not. When will her daughter wake up and divorce her camel

Anonymous said...

I blame the vaccine shot for the ending of this relationship.

R in NYC said...

Stevie Wonder could see this coming. That man was tired of dealing with that woman and her family. Happy trails Richard.

Anonymous said...

She knew his coins werent long when she married him.

Who you think paid for that wedding??

I doubt it was Richard.....

Anonymous said...

Most of you have last names of European slavemasters.
Why dont you change your last names first before you tell her to lose the "Knowles".
Let the excuses begin...

Unknown said...

Yeah, Tina should've went back to her maiden name and created a brand around that (Beyince)
...nothing sadder than remarrying ad divorcing after 60. Just enjoy the dck, Tina, not marry it...and now Matty is cancer free and enjoying his 2nd wife drama free...

Anonymous said...

🫡 to Richard… we got room for one more on the 🛩️ 🇧🇷

Anonymous said...

@7:37 Apply for permanent residency. You won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

If she wants to change her name change it back to her maiden name. Screw Lawson and Knowles last name. Everybody know she's Beyonces mamma. It's totally dumb to take on her former ex's last name AGAIN. Go back to your maiden name before you got married to anybody.

Anonymous said...

LOL... at all the hot boxes here😂. The beyhive dun made Richard delete his Twitter.. Apparently Rich didn't know ppl can see the tweets he liked AND babee that man love some porn😂 I mean explicit sh*t...Them was some big d*cks penetrating 🤣. Y'all hot boxes may have a chance cuz it was all black porn too

Anonymous said...

Hey dummy @ 6:08am. It's not about slave master names. It's about her reverting to her former husband's name that his new wife now claims. It's as if she doesn't have her own identity. Anyway, you can only emasculate a man but for so long before the spell is broken. Good for Richard.

Anonymous said...


Hey Dummy.
I said wtf i said. Clearly it struck a nerve. Get your own identity instead of clinging to your slavemaster's... Its the exact same logic. But when your last 5 remaining brain cells are on life support it can be a challenge to understand.

Anonymous said...

I took my maiden name back after I divorced my first husband, and when I re-married, I attached it to my current husband's name. I know women who elect to keep their married names after a breakup because they want it the same as their childrens', or just because they like it better. Either way Tina's put the years in, she's earned the perogative!

Anonymous said...

Yall sound so stupid.

If people will always know her as Beyonce mama then what is the point in changing her name??? What good is that gonna do?? Make it make sense

Anonymous said...

^^You not even worth responding to because you're about as dumb as they come.

^ When your children are pushing 50 and use their own husband's name but you clinging to your ex-husband's name that his new wife also claims that tells me everything I need to know about you and your lack of an identity.

Anonymous said...

You are very dumb. We established that.

Probably 90% of yall still have the last name of a rapist slavemaster but you are gonna try to drag Tina because she won't give up "Knowles"

She is holding onto that name for the same reason you hold onto Massa Johnson's name. Very few of you actually have the balls to give up what you have become accustomed to.

You are no different than Tina quite frankly.

Anonymous said...

Tina is a grown a$$ woman and can take whatever name she wants. Her name in no way impacts anybody on this message board. If she likes it, I love it. That's between her and her God.

Anonymous said...

Her maiden name is Beyonce. Why would she go back to Celestine Beyonce? Beyonce owns that name up and down now. She's better off being known as Tina Knowles. She's used to it. She had that last name longer than her original one and it cuts down on confusion.

Anonymous said...

11:23, 10:10, just curious…have you ever been married? Got any kids from a marriage?

Anonymous said...

Bye Celestine Beyince

Anonymous said...

Get an African name and a hotep brother.

Anonymous said...

@11:00AM And this is a blog and you come on here having an opinion that don't impact her neither so we can have one just like you do.

@11:26AM, I was married and after my divorce I went back to the name my Mother and Father gave me. Plus my ex re-married so why would I want to hold on to a name I wasn't born with and that someone else now has? An our kids have the right to have his name since we named them when were together. Why do I need to keep his? Seems stupid to me but whatever. Maybe she should just go by Celestine. That sounds way more interesting and memorable.

Anonymous said...

No it’s stupid because she is not married to him anymore. If she wanted to keep her dumb ass last name she should have stayed married to him. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for Tina but she is jealous because Matt moved on and not begging for her to come back. I do not think she should get married again as she did it for the wrong reasons—- to look desired and not being alone and just because Matthew moved on and not giving a damn about her. I feel sorry for her she is very sad and delusional. The man probably couldn’t stand her and didn’t have anything to offer but her looks just like her daughter.

Anonymous said...

It's all deleted now but old Richard's Twitter likes were something I wished I had never clicked on. He's been trending for the past couple days...

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said 12:38 PM, except she doesn't look good to me. She has a witchy face.

Anonymous said...

She is keeping the name because she created a BRAND with that name. Duh.
Kimora Lee Simmons, Tina Turner, Madam CJ Walker got divorced and STILL kept their last names. It's not because they still desire their ex husbands it's about BUSINESS.
But most of you are too stupid to even manage a simple lemonade stand so I guess you can't relate to business women with million dollar empires!


Anonymous said...

Not surprised! She's a BIIIIIISSSHHHHH! Have you ever heard the way she used to talk to his man?!?!

Anonymous said...

Preach anon 4:18pm

Dee said...

OMG. The BS and LIES!!!! House of Dereon and Miss Tina by Tina Knowles. Those are her only brands. Easy enough to drop the Knowles on the Miss Tina line because don't nobody buys that sht anyway - even with the name Knowles on it. For real. Stop playing. And NOBODY wears Dereon, the line that BEYONCE endorsed, but doesn't even wear it herself. Those are Tina's ONLY businesses. Google it. PLEASE stop saying she kept the Knowles name for business purposes. The Knowles name has never helped either of those two "fashion brands". She could've easily changed it to Lawson. EASILY!

J.Swindell said...

Weren't they one of those couples that put in their two cents on that Black Love show?

Ohwell said...

None of my business.

Anonymous said...

Wow its some heat up in here. I would've went back to my maiden name. It's crazy you can't stand the man and your daughter doesn't even deal with him and you keep his name. I remember when old Kris Jenner was talking about going back to Kardashian and they told her no. It makes no sense.

Anonymous said...


But her last name is not Jenner either.

Anonymous said...

Her name, her choice. Tina has been a Knowles longer than she's been a Beyonce. It used to be standard that women kept their married name after a divorce. She would have been referred to as the first Mrs. Knowles. I know some kids who have their mama's first husband's last name because she kept the name, too. No one cares. I bet Mathew don't, either.

Anonymous said...

I bet Matty's current wife cares.

Anonymous said...


Tina doesnt care what that h0e wants! She's keeping the name and thats that! Eat a dCk

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