Thursday, July 27, 2023

Magic Johnson Celebrates Commanders Purchase

This week retired NBA great Magic Johnson became part owner of the Washington Commanders football team [click here if you missed that].

Magic, who is still on vacation with his family, celebrates the purchase by rocking Commanders gear...


Anonymous said...

EJ for head cheerleader.

Anonymous said...

But I bet you Magic does NOT know God. And I’m not talking about the God you All go and pray to on Sunday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know you wrong but it gave me a chuckle. I thought you it said headhunter LOLOL
Magic knows some type of higher power because he's still alive when so many have died from the virus and he continues to strive forward making lucrative corporate moves.

Anonymous said...

@10:46 AM U missed 10:25AM's point ENTIRELY, so it's safe to say YOU don't know Hod, either...smh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think EJ likes looking taller than his father. As big as he is he still got on that step.

Anonymous said...

It’s so easy to crop EJ outta this years Christmas card!

Anonymous said...

Nice accomplishment for him! Praise Hod, lol

Anonymous said...

EJ old big linebacker azz needs to be playing football. Sasquatch beeyotch

Anonymous said...

How is it they only had 1 humongous kid (EJ)? None of his other kids got that height.

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