Friday, July 28, 2023

Just Sam Hospitalized

Two months ago American Idol winner Just Sam admitted she was back to singing in the subway after winning the reality competition show just three years ago [click here if you missed that]. 

Recently Just Sam was rushed to the hospital...

From The Sun
AMERICAN Idol winner Just Sam has revealed that they were rushed to the hospital in a new post after admitting to singing on the subway for cash.
The singer winner took to Instagram on Wednesday to provide their family and friends with a health update.
Samantha Diaz—better known as Just Sam—started the message: "For anyone who has been trying to reach me these past few days... I haven't been in the mood for talking."
They continued: "I am supposed to be getting out of the hospital tomorrow if all goes well today.
"Prayers up and I will update people soon."
Just Sam, 24, then added: "Thank you to all the people who have been checking on me."


Anonymous said...

That's sad. You would think winning would have changed their life to some degree. Someone give them a job!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea, who he is. Nevertheless I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Using thel/them to refer to a single person will never not be s+upid to me.

Anonymous said...

@11:55 AM It's not him ... it's a HER

Anonymous said...

That’s a she? I’m so confused

Rainy Dayz said...

Chile y’all too picky with these pronouns
If you look like a man and keep getting called that change your look
This person looks like a man so I will address him as such until I know otherwise
I hope someone hires him

Anonymous said...

This they/them crap is just stupid when talking about an individual. I don't give a dam about how you identify nor do most people. Announcing your pronouns is lame attention seeking behavior.

Anonymous said...

Ol' crazy looking self.

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