Monday, July 03, 2023

Ice Cube Claims the NBA is Sabotaging The Big 3

Last week West rapper Ice Cube announced that he was going on a podcast tour to air out his grievances against the "gatekeepers" trying to sabotage his Big 3 basketball league [click here if you missed that].

The podcast tour has begun...

Ice Cube sat down with Joe Rogan on Friday and claimed that the National Basketball Association has been encouraging businesses not to sponsor the the Big 3 and encouraging TV networks not to show the games.


Anonymous said...

He might be right, but since he’s a Trumper I don’t care.

Anonymous said...

The same way he tried to sabotage black voters with his maga nonsense πŸ™„. No one cares about the big 3 except you Ice Pop it's not a real threat to the NBA.

Jcee said...

Tell really gotta get help all because you THINK this dude was a trump supporter it’s eff his claims. This is when you should be standing up for a black man I notice how y’all loyalty shifts. Y’all will March and protest for black men when they are in the wrong like that guy who punched that lady y’all ran with all types of lies and scenarios to defend him hitting that woman. He has already explained that he was willing to meet with BOTH sides about his proposal he had for black ppl to get tangibles for their votes rather than a shout we get and hit sauce and eating chicken before the vote. Trump side is the only side that was willing to meet with him. Y’all so used to voting and not asking for anything in return until y’all don’t even know how this works! Groups don’t care who it is they roll with the part that will give them what they want! What do you think lobbying and donation is for? It’s for groups to get what they want this is why lgbt community is moving mountains this is why cooperations year after year stay winning and getting favor with the government when they mismanage their money and get a bail out. Groups usually support whatever party willing to do favors or support them.

Jcee said...

Gather all your proof cube and sue. Hell I wouldn’t even have started the tour until I had the lawsuit together

Anonymous said...

Sit your @$$ down ice coon. I still haven’t forgiven you fot that NWA verbiage you spewed back in the 80’s.

Anonymous said...

Some people can't except failure...they'll blame everyone but themselves

Anonymous said...

@9:31....Common sense has eluded the serfs for generations. Emotion is stronger than reason. Therefore the 90% black democrat plantation vote will remain. In spite of the forever expanding underclass of blacks. "But Trump is worse." Such irreconcilable backwardization.

Anonymous said...

I call bullsh*t. I'm an avid Bball fan and the BIG3 is no threat to the NBA & doesn't Add any value. Those players are retired & older. That being said, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Nike etc "may" have "exclusive" sponsorships w NBA but there are a thousand other companies out there that don't do business or hv exclusivity w NBA. This frugal azz n66a needs to hire someone with them connections. Otherwise you get leftover scraps.
Tryna take the cheap route and plead his grievances with the public. This mf so transparent to meπŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

Anonymous said...

Speak your peace, O'shea.

Anonymous said...

Lmaoooo maybe having 34 year old washed up hasbeens wasnt the best idea for the league.
They already had their chance why not give some young brothas a shot.
Now maybe the wash ups would make great coaches.....

Anonymous said...

^^^ Exactly..he may need to come to the reality that the current format is not that lucrative & needs a drastic change or else that sh*t will be shut down next year. Nothing good came from using old players accept a lil brand recognition. This should've been a league of unknown young players that the NBA could pick from.
His ego thinks nothings wrong the Big3. He standing on that sinking ship bitchin to the public😫

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duh!!!!!! Should have kept his mouth shut. People don't like Maganuts and he sucked up to Trump too much.

Kedarbenjudah said...

@9:31 & @10:45 ..........ALL FACTS

Kedarbenjudah said...

I have to ask because they say the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. Are people just bored and need something to be miserable about so they spread, create and perpetuate false narratives of all the people I can think of O'shay Jackson (the first) is one of the most sincerely concerned as he has shown through actions and words with the plight of black people in America and he has never backed off of that stance he is vilified for meeting with Trump who was a candidate for the office of the presidency not as a social call or a networking opportunity but to present what he had with the help of many as qualified and more qualified people complied as a frame work for a plan to better the plight of the black population in America he was supposed to take that meeting it was an opportunity to get ideas in front of the person who could quit possibly be the highest ranking member of one of the branches of our government had he not taken the meeting based on emotion or other reason he could have missed that opportunity and most likely all the halfwits who now say he was wrong for taking the meeting would be speaking negatively of him for not taking the meeting. What they should be more concerned with is finding out why the candidate Trump was running against would not take a meeting to see what he had in his proposal mind you I would bet a hefty sum that those same people who would not take his meeting are also responsible for him being labeled a Trump supporter which most are sure he is not but the chance to tear someone down is a pretty good way to distract yourself and others away from your short comings and the unhappiness that plagues your life partly due to the current super gang in charge not doing anything but misleading you into supporting them again with empty promises what you fail to see is that the party that was opposing Trump does not want anything to change for 100 plus year and then some they have coddled and catered to the black community leading up to elections and served up nothing but empty promises once those elections have past and each time it seems to work no matter how many times it disappoints those who showed support at the poles.

Kedarbenjudah said...

They fear more than anything the opposite side getting a chance to have some sort of relationship with our community, my honest opinion is that they would not offer anything that much different but the current group in power of the oval office and all of its gang members well know they offer absolutely nothing tangible for the black community so the idea of any contact or relationship with their opposing party is terrifying because they would only have to offer almost nothing to be promising more than the nothing the current regime is giving our community. Malcolm X warned us as a community of the true motives of the people currently in power but we did not listen and now we are still hoping for a honest deal from a group that has enjoyed a one-sided deal that only benefits them for as far back as anyone can remember. Meanwhile the opposing party on the left make no bones about who they are and them always wanting them to be first in all things and will surely want to keep things as close as possible to the way they have been but only want to offer enough change to get us all to switch our support to them but they will surely pull away all of our government safety nets and when survival and necessity brings out the entrepreneurs and the Ingenius and the ingenuity that has always flourish in our community they will surely want to be the suppliers of raw resources, materials, equipment and facilities for whatever enterprises we come up with but for sure they will not be opposed to us overseeing our own schools, owning our own businesses,
banks and economy as long as they stand to profit from it and for those who say they would still be in charge or we would still be partly dependent on them I challenge you to tell me how being not in charge and partly dependent on others while they miseducate our future generations to revere and worship them and use our economy as a financial springboard for immigrants from every part of the globe they need to offer rights citizenship and a business or jobs to as a way to appease others who have not suffered what we have in this country and immediately step in benefit from all we have given life for, toiled for and marched to build.

Kedarbenjudah said...

How is that better for our community than us still being partly dependent on others but being able to control our own economy and community and trainour future generations to do more of the same in an therefore increase our autonomy as time passes until we can be independent of others only adhering to the laws of the land and our society not anyone else based on historical precedents and traditional hierarchies.

Kedarbenjudah said...

As for the Big 3 you have to ask why the USFL is allowed to flourish as is the XFL but the big 3 is being roadblocked the USFL & XFL pull from the same talent pools and seek contracts with the same media outlets to deliver their product to audiences, there even exists an alternate pro basketball league that does the same with the NBA in that it seeks contracts from some of the same media outlets to deliver its product to the audiences. However the big 3 is not a competitor to the NBA it pulls from a talent pull that is usually past its relationship with the NBA and almost like Canadian Football plays a the same game by different rules utilizing the court differently.
And does not even have in its business plan the desire or capability to compete with the NBA in salaries paid, projected or actual attendance, viewership numbers or sponsorship dollars.

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