Sunday, June 11, 2023

Wendy Williams' Son Threatened with Arrest for Kidnapping

Last week Wendy Williams' only son, Kevin Hunter Jr., gave his first interview ever and accused his mother's new inner circle of using her and claiming he feared for his mother's life [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Kevin claims he was threatened with arrest if he didn't return his mother to New York after she was placed under guardianship...

From The Sun
WENDY Williams' son, Kevin Hunter Jr, was threatened with arrest if he didn't send his ailing mother back to New York City from Florida, he exclusively revealed to The U.S. Sun.
Wendy's only child, 22, claimed that Judge Lisa Sokoloff- who is overseeing the troubled host's guardianship case- said she would charge him with kidnapping if he didn't assist in getting the star back to New York while he was helping take care of her in 2022.
Kevin told The U.S. Sun exclusively: "The judge threatened me with arrest and said I'd be held in contempt if I didn't bring her back to New York."
Kevin said he was also threatened with arrest if he tried to bring her back to Florida after she was returned to New York.
"I'm so scared that I haven't really been up there to see her since the courts," Kevin said, referring to the May 2022 decision by Judge Sokoloff to appoint Sabrina Morrissey as permanent guardian to oversee Wendy's affairs.
"When they hear I'm coming to visit, they try to change things up, like they have to prepare for me," Wendy's son said, regarding the legal entities who manage his 58-year-old mother.
Kevin said he wished there was more he could do to intervene to get his mother the care she needs, and to help her prioritize her health over the work commitments she's been engaged in over the past year.
But legally, his hands have been tied by the guardianship case.
"If there was a way that I could help that wouldn't end up [with me] being arrested, I would be doing that," he added.
The U.S. Sun reached out to a representative of Judge Sokoloff and the New York Courts for comment, who responded: "As this is a pending matter it would not be appropriate to comment further."


Anonymous said...

Thanks to her new beau/manager. Any hoo! I see you lil Kev making real boss moves for moms dukes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Witch Tabatha. Will you please ask Karma to release Wendy from your carrying ons? I think she had E-nuff.

Anonymous said...

Poor Wendy

TRACI404 said...

Can't see his own Mother?
What the hell!!!

Anonymous said...

10:23 AM. Don’t you mean Can’t steal his mother?

Anonymous said...

10:34 Tell us your mother wasn't sh*t without telling us....Cuz NOBODY steals their mother. DUMB azz!

Anonymous said...

Guardianships are really dangerous if not monitored closely. The guardian can steal all your assets. Doesn’t Wendy have any allies?

Anonymous said...

Wendy brought this upon herself.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone other than her parents or child have guardianship. Did Wendy sign some papers when she was sane? Or did some slime ball coerce and/or forge a signature????

Jcee said...

See this is why they tried accusing him of stealing y’all falling for the lies if he stole from his mom he would be in jail! These ppl are trying to keep her son away she THEY can steal! This boy don’t eff with his father like that y’all forgot he out hands on his father in the grocery store parking lot when all that mess came out about him cheating!! Y’all wake up !!! This young man is not stealing from his mom! She been said king as he was in school she would pay all his expenses the dude was in college all this time!! I can’t believe y’all falling for the mess they keeping her son away because they want to steal all her money no one knows these new ppl who she has around her there’s a reason for that! I believe Wendy has dementia like it was first reported this can be caused by alcohol abuse as well!!

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that her son's money is either low or his allowance has been cut off because he was just with his mother, grandfather and uncle last month. Why didn't he say something then? He wants everyone to believe he's been cut off from his mother but now all of a sudden here comes these crazy stories to The Sun. He doesn't sound credible.

I'm glad the court system will not allow her ex-husband to use their son to manipulate the public into convincing them to open her up to him. He's the same guy who forced Wendy into a sober living home, locked her off from the world and telephone, while his mistress was having a baby. He did all of that and can't lie about it because Wendy put it in her movie. Wendy had to break out of that sober living house and ran away. Why didn't their son speak up about that? Why didn't he tell his father to leave his mother alone and release her from that sober living house? He didn't care, that's why.

Anonymous said...

Unless you have your estate in place the court decides who the executor is.

Anonymous said...

Why is he in Florida? Move back to NYC, live with your mother, take care of her and finish school in NYC.
Unless the side eye is on you clipping funds like it was reported a few years ago.

Jcee said...

Why is he in Florida? Move back to NYC, live with your mother, take care of her and finish school in NYC.
Unless the side eye is on you clipping funds like it was reported a few years ago.
6:22 PM

Here’s the thing I think ppl are losing track of the events he has been living in Florida he went to bucks to be with his mom the. She went to Florida and was there for a long time where she was making progress then once the forts stepped in done how she ended up back in nyc with these new managers and ppl around her when he son tried to make contact he was told she didn’t want to see him all are missing a major key here Wendy is not in her right mind nor is she making any of these decisions these ppl are trying to pretend like she is ok so they can continue to take control of her estate and because she did not have her affairs in order that’s exactly what’s going to happen her son was the one caring for Wendy and pushing her around in a wheel chair and stuff when the husband ran off he does not mess with his dad at all not once have y’all seen him in any pictures with his father he tried to beat the man up when it came out he was cheating and had a whole other family,

jina said...

on what planet can I be put in jail for having my mother live with me when she's ill. As her only child, who are these non-relatives that are calling the shots over her welfare, her image, and her money though??

Anonymous said...

A son will always love his mom. Especially if she loved him first.

Anonymous said...

Her son was a minor (under 21) when all of this started. he was not an adult and could not be made the executor of her estate because he was a minor at the time. Now that he's over 21, he should have petitioned for guardianship or executorship of his mother's estate. Unfortunately, his finances are tied into his mother's estate and he can not make major moves to help his mother without explaining his financial needs to the estate that he needs to save her from. If he wanted to hire an attorney to get them out of this situation, he would have to go to her lawyers in order to get his own lawyers.

Its a weird catch 22.

Dee said...

OMG. Somebody PLEASE INVESTIGATE the judge and whoever the guardian is. Is the judge getting a cut of Wendy's money? I don't care if Wendy has a guardianship case or not. It shouldn't bar her only child from visiting her or her traveling to see him unless they can prove he is a detriment to her health or mean her harm. I don't think he fits either category. Something's in the water. This doesn't sound right. He should move to be guardian. If he doesn't have the funds to do so right now, I'm sure an attorney would take his case for him pro bono until Kevin gains guardianship and can regain assets of his own trust funds.

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