Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Tyrese Gibson Calls Out DJ Vlad

R&B singer Tyrese goes off on DJ Vlad for making fun of his divorce...

In a video rant shared on Instagram Tyrese calls Vlad a culture vulture and accuses him of working for the Feds. 


Anonymous said...

Whats crazy is, all he does is ask the questions. The rappers do the rest. They dont have to go on his show, nor do they HAVE to answer any of his questions...but they do. MFs gotta start taking accountability for their dumb a.xss actions. Tyreese is the president of MFs.

Anonymous said...

Why is he pressed about Vlad while spilling his own tea like Ncanmon does. You leave the door open when you tell all your business on social media. Nobody cares about your wife/hoe tells but you. Shut up for once.

Anonymous said...

His interviews w/Black celebs are cringeworthy.

Unknown said...

I don't care for Cryrese but he has a point. Vlad, DJ Khaled, Fat Joe are all culture vultures and their ppl - Arab, Hispanics, and whatever Vlad is (Jewish?) - all shyt on and use black ppl and black culture to their benefit. Fck them, pay me, in the words of Beyonce!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The problem isn't Vlad, he's just doing what he's told to do. Black people are doing all the heavy lifting for him, while he goes all the way to the bank. Black people who spew information for a dollar is the real problem. Black people will sell each other out for pennies on the dollar. They don't care about each other, won't take a real stand for justice and will fold for money. Nothing is sacred I have stuck my neck out for my people for years and I'm about to not care anymore. I'm sick of black people turning on each other just for fame or money. They'll turn on another black person who is only trying to help, while other cultures are pulling together and making great strides.

Vlad is not the problem but the people who go on his show and those who watch are. If you stop watching Vlad and stop going on his show for kibbles & bits, he will no longer have any content and he'll be forced to go away. But that's never happening because black people are addicted to getting any sort of attention and so, they'll go on his show.

Anonymous said...

To: 1:56 PM

Preach! You told the whole truth and I hope people are paying attention.

Anonymous said...

To: 3:15 PM

Yep, all of 'em are culture vultures and making big bank doing it. We gotta ask ourselves why didn't they tap into their own cultures.

Anonymous said...

Y’all Vlad is the FED.

Anonymous said...

Black people who speak with Vlad are dummies. He’s the enemy.

Anonymous said...

Vlad is trash.

Anonymous said...

Vlad is a snitch in the real sense.

Anonymous said...

Black people got Vlad paid in full. Discussing.

Anonymous said...

All kinds of Black media platforms on the Internet and they choose to run to him and get mocked.

Anonymous said...

He a Leech.

Anonymous said...

Does he pay the celebs he interviews. If not you would think so.

Anonymous said...

I don’t even watch this slime balls videos. Screwball him. Right in the head.

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