Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Tory Lanez Files a Motion to Disqualify Judge

Last year Canadian rapper Tory Lanez was found guilty of shooting Houston rapper Megan Thee Stallion [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Tory wants the judge removed from the case...

Tory Lanez’s defense team isn’t letting up on getting their client from behind bars, as well as getting Judge Herriford disqualified from their case.
In an official motion filed on May 19, lawyers Matthew Barhoma and Jose Baez asked that Herriford be removed due to claims of “favoritism” towards prosecution.
According to law reporter Meghann Cuniff, Barhoma and Baez stated in their appellate petition that Herriford made them present their arguments in his preferred order rather than how they had planned. They also allege he didn’t allow them to call live witnesses, and that he continuously interrupted them while in argument. The petition was filed shortly after the two-day hearing that took place last month where Lanez was denied a new trial.
“Conversely, the Judge gave the People a full and fair opportunity to present argument uninterrupted, even when the case cited by the People did not stand for the proposition that they advanced,” Lanez’s legal team motioned. “Together, these facts reveal such a high degree of favoritism or antagonism as to make fair judgment impossible. Given these facts, a reasonable person would fairly entertain doubts concerning the Judge’s impartiality. As a result, disqualification is required.”
The Canadian rapper has served nearly seven months in jail for the 2019 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion. He was charged with assault involving a semiautomatic firearm, discharging a firearm with gross negligence, and having an unregistered firearm in a vehicle.


Anonymous said...

Scramble Lil n66a scramble๐Ÿ˜ญ b*tch azz!

Anonymous said...

just pissing the judge and judges off

Anonymous said...

any time a judge won't let you go free after being found guilty you then want the judge removed thats not gonna happen

Anonymous said...

All that money going up in flames.
I know that defense team is eating good tonight!

Anonymous said...

Ninga is losing his mind over that jail time. He will defiantly earn his female name Tory while serving his time.

Anonymous said...

He's getting everything he deserves!! Where's your boys at now? Enjoying their freedom ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Lame Tory or is it Tory Lame

Anonymous said...

He need to set up a play date with Young Thug brother. Compare notes.

Anonymous said...

Desperate little monkey looking oompa loompa. Karma calling.

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. Not smart to piss the judge off before sentencing.

The King Of The Real said...


Anonymous said...

Bully for him. I’m from the UK.

Anonymous said...

15 Years minimum. Next case.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol ain't no favoritism to the prosecution. They won their case and it's time for sentencing . He should've taken a plea deal instead of being a nightmare in court , creating chaos and using his family as props. throw the book at this Canadian

Anonymous said...

Sentence this tiny menace to 22 years then deport him in 2045.

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