Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Stage Malfunction Upsets Beyoncé

Beyoncé gets visibly upset at her Renaissance Tour stage crew during her show in Amsterdam over the weekend...

Beyonce's glitter ball horse usually elevates during this part of the show but this time it didn’t. The crew seemed unsure of what to do next and Beyoncé was seen slapping a man’s hand away and mouthing ‘Oh My God!’


Anonymous said...

How many shows and dude decides to sit on the stairs instead of move them? Lol smh.

Lynny said...

Y’all worship this woman waaay too much. I don’t get it 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Lip syncing for the gods.

But i guess she has to protect that voice from going to hell like Mariah's

Anonymous said...

This is silly. Anyone who has ever been involved in a stage performance knows that mistakes and malfunctioning happens. It just does. She should have been a G and just played it off and then had a meeting after the show scolding whoever was responsible for the mishap.

Anonymous said...

Why be a so called billionaire and still working like a darn slave. If you have so much money why are you working yourself to death? This woman needs to sit down and take her tired husband with her.

Anonymous said...

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Soooo glad it didn’t work! She’s not God & she needs some humiliation then she needs to go away.

Anonymous said...

Spirit IS Letting THAT Witch Know -

She About To Get Knocked OFF THAT High Horse

#WarningBeforeDestruction #PlutoInAquarius

Anonymous said...

@8:21 NO Rest For The Wicked

She & Whoopi OTR -

Judges Do Not Come Cheap.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge Beyonce fan, but I do liker her. With that being said, I feel absolutely no connection to this "Renaissance" tour or music. The whole thing just seems off.

Anonymous said...

Anything can happen on stage.

Anonymous said...

Bout' time they put that horse out to pasture. She needed to be shown sees not perfect but she's a perfectionist so I know she was a noted as hell.

EJ said...

I don't see anything.....seems like this is an exaggerated post!

Anonymous said...

8:50 AM & 10:57 PM that part.

She just had an Anita Baker moment. LOLOL
Speaking of AB. Babyface was on last night talking about that incident with Jason Lee Show on REVOLT.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:00 PM.... 200%....Mass formation psychosis.

Anonymous said...

Things can happen. Maybe she was thinking about the money that people spent on tickets and that’s why she didn’t want any mishaps. Those tickets were expensive, even the cheap seats were expensive.

Anonymous said...

People are too dramatic. I expected her to be doing much more than that from the person’s caption. Lol

She just wanted them to move the damn stairs. I’m probably more annoyed watching them take that long to do it then she was. Because, why did it take them so long. He got mesmerized and wanted to watch her. SECURITY lol

Anonymous said...

Gimmicks, okay singer. I don't understand the appeal she's an entertainer who charges to much. Shoot gon to church during praise and worship get a better show. Leave before the get your pockets those lying preachers

Anonymous said...

ALL FACTS @Lynny. It's disturbing and sad at the same time.

Anonymous said...

The REAL malfunction would’ve been if she fell off that gawdy horse now THAT would’ve been funny as hell. BeYAWNce please just go away & never come back! Please & Thanks!

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