Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Sammie Expecting His First Child

R&B singer Sammie, 36, expecting his first child...


Anonymous said...

Congrats. Name him Bob.

Anonymous said...

What happened Sammie. Where you been? You see the state of R&B. Come back SAMMIE come back (Prince Nikki Voice)

Anonymous said...

I saw Sammie last week in concert. He can still sing. Seems grounded.

Anonymous said...

Happy for Sammie. He's mature & seems like a good dude with his IG posts.. CONGRATS KingπŸ‘‘
Y'all Sammie just came off tour last year w Bow, Soula boy & them...If yall recall his schizophrenic mom murdered someone in FL last year & he came out in support of her....

Unknown said...

I see a lot of black men waiting until after 35 to have children. Now if only blk women would stop b@$tard breeding for a check, we may actually see progress in the illegitimacy rates smh.

Anonymous said...

@11:32 AM

You know this dude isn't married, right?

Anonymous said...

11:32: you do know woman’s fertility has a timeline, right??

Anonymous said...

Wake me up when there is a BLACK MARRIAGE to celebrate! Proverbs 18:22 HE that finds a WIFE finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.
So it's no coincidence that black men in demonic Hollyweird who actually married their black sweethearts before the fame and stayed with them fare out better, live longer, thrive better and have more longevity than misogynistic, serial baby daddies. That smoked out, bony a$$hole Snoopdogg would have been dead a long time ago if he didn't have his black WIFE by his side! DMX humiliated and disrespected his black wife in front of the world and now he's worm food! When are black men going to realize that they will NEVER prosper by continuing to engage in sexual sin, having children out of wedlock and dealing with strange women? Maybe that's why black men these days are so demonic because just King Solomon of the bible---they are demonic possessed, cursed and under a weird spell by these strange women. Then they're using the black woman as "breeders" and not marrying them? Keep it up.....

Anonymous said...

His list of priorities are off. ONE DAY you will be a husband? Dafuk????

Anonymous said...

please don’t take this one away from us!

Anonymous said...

11:32 AM @ "Now if only blk women would stop b@$tard breeding for a check"... You do know that these women aren't only having babies out of their race. You sound dumb!

Anonymous said...

The Bible is a joke. That's why almost nobody takes it seriously. Its a book that tells you what rules to follow but says you will still go to heaven regardless of whether you follow the rules or not.

If Jeffery Dahmer can repent and still go to heaven (according to the bible)
who gives a f about sex out of wedlock?


Anonymous said...

6:52 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Homosexuals, ADULTERERS, Drunkards, fornication will not enter God's Kingdom. If the bible is such a joke to you, and you want to lean on your own understanding then that's between you and the Lord. Do you think it's a coincidence that the LEAST married men in the world are also the most likely to die early, the most incarcerated, the most unhealthy, and the least successful in life out of all nations of men? They, too believe God's word and the bible is a joke.....

Anonymous said...

I will always remember the way he was looking at me at my local record store when he was a kid at his 1st album’s signing. Didn’t know we were the same age because he was so tiny. Congrats to him tho! I wonder if Mario will ever settle down or have some babies if his own. I’d be a willing participant.

Kendall said...

Ummm China is technically the most successful country in the world and they definitely dont read the bible...hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

The least married men in America are black men. When are they going to normalize being husbands to black women instead of baby daddies?

Anonymous said...

Why do black males prefer baby mommas over wives. Men control a woman's access to marriage, the woman control's his access to sex. Black males seem to love casual sex, but can't to commit to anything or anyone.

Juju Infinite said...

Happy for him. Congratulations sir πŸ‘πŸΎ

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