Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Kwame Kilpatrick Pardon Used Against Donald Trump

In January 2020, on his last day in office, Donald Trump commuted the prison sentence of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, allowing him to go free after serving just seven years of his 28 year sentence for corruption [click here if you missed that]. 

Now a super PAC supporting Ron DeSantis for President takes aim at Republican front runner Donald Trump for commuting Kwame's sentence...

A group supporting the presidential ambitions of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled a video Sunday taking aim at former President Donald Trump for commuting the prison sentence of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
Never Back Down, a super PAC supporting DeSantis for president, rolled out the 52-second ad, titled “Welcome to Detroit,” which calls Kilpatrick a “stone-cold crook.”
The video suggests that Trump commuted the sentence after millionaire businessman Peter Karmanos Jr. approached Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner about releasing Kilpatrick.
“$100,000 later, Trump let Kwame out of jail 16 years early, commuting his sentence on his final day in the White House,” a narrator says. “For the elites in the swamp, that’s just business as usual.”


Anonymous said...

Kwame deserves to be inside. Unlike most black men he earned that sentence.

Anonymous said...

Santos needs to shut his mouth before someone investigates some of his shady dealings.
So many of our politicians are crook and thieves.

Anonymous said...

THIS BLOG NEEDS TO CALLED RHYMES WITH HEATHEN since you sitting up here doing the devils work

Anonymous said...

Stuff like this is probably why Obama left Kilpatrick to rot.

Anonymous said...

What up doe!!!

Anonymous said...

Forget all y’all. Kwame is free as a bird preaching the word of his Lord.

Anonymous said...

Kwame still move like a criminal. Like his daddy before him. His daddy used to run around with a white boy name McNamara. McNamara ran Wayne County, Which is the county where Detroit is in. That’s what Kwame learned to do his dirt. His father was not a good teacher. There you have it. Folks, the history of the Kilpatricks in Detroit. Crookdom is real

Anonymous said...

Yt pointing fingers.

Anonymous said...

All three of them are fat and out of shape thugs and I wouldn't give any of them the time of day.

Anonymous said...

Punk Azz's crakas Scared to call Trump a crook😂 These ppl are UNSERIOUS & its time to start calling ALL of them.TF out(period)

Anonymous said...

So they don't have ANYTHING to say about the $2M the other crook was selling them pardons for????? These type YT ppl just like Malcom said👿

Unknown said...

The super pack just wasted their funds cause DeSatan will never be the republican frontrunner; Trumpf is polling something like over 50%, amongst Republican voters; whereas, DeSatan has dropped in the polls, amongst Republican voters to 20%. And he's also losing support in his own state. Regardless of how I feel about Trumpf, he will be the republican nominee, and it'll be a rematch of Biden vs Trumpf; the only silver lining is that after the coup on the Capitol, Republicans lost a lot of it's voters, and independents hate both Trumpf and DeSatan.

Anonymous said...

DeSantis part of the same crooked, vile swamp. FOH

Kedarbenjudah said...

De Santis is doing what his predecessor Dand Don did so well make moves publicly that appeal to his base I was not and am not a Trump fan he is a grifter no doubt but if you look at his life closely you will discover the many contradictions he is an opportunist and a showman driven by self aggrandizement and status climbing and of course above all else profits. But looking closer at DeSantis he really is a bigoted idiot and I say that not to attack him the idiot part but its clear to see he is of the ilk that is usually highly educated and well spoken but on a personal level he is just not to bright no common sense no thinking skills but more of a follower of emotion and tribal rhetoric it plain to see white people are extremely on edge these days due to the obviousness of the change happening in the world and their lock on hegemony in all aspects of leadership and control is deteriorating fast they have been so unquestionable and privileged for so long that it make them nervous to see the day is coming when they will be equals to all others. Of the younger generations a lot are seeing the shift but the norm to them is not what it was 50 or even 30 years ago so they are not alarmed as much as they are off balance by feeling they need to be aware and cognizant of things they say and do as most all minorities have had to do for centuries for fear of rubbing them the wrong way and having to face the fall out. DeSantis is of the camp that gives ear to those in pockets tha still exist that cling to a way that was wide spread in the past and they intend to fight to keep it tact by any means. He is the poster child and the figure head the champion of that if you will as we can see to the point of isolating himself politically example being falling poll numbers and popularity. He is limiting his chances for success and allowing the hate fueled emotion of a small segment to guide his stance and cost him his aspirations.

Anonymous said...

Kwame Koonpatrick in the news again. Yt can’t leave him alone. Or vice versa.

Kedarbenjudah said...

Lets see him take an equal stance againts Blogovich a politico caught dead to rights on a recording being about as corrupt as one can be and showing the populous how thw sausage is really made upsetting almost every ally he had politician or not. But I doubt we will ever see that Detroit is still very polarized and segregated and he is appealing to those who subscribe to his leanings.

Anonymous said...

7 mile & Roselawn ya’ll. What up doe.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:07PM Dexter and Joy road here. Ayyyyyye.

Anonymous said...

Replay of the 80's "Willie" Horton Ads. Devil Ain't Got No New Tricks.

Anonymous said...

Kedarbenjudah and Anon 10:36 PM are both on point. It's going to be interesting how this all plays out.

Anonymous said...

Hey y’all, Euclid and Linwood ina house.

Anonymous said...

Mack and Bewick in the house wut up doh?

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