Thursday, June 08, 2023

DC Youngfly Breaks His Silence Following the Death of Jacky Oh!

Last week social media influencer Jacky Oh! was found unresponsive in a Miami hotel room just days after receiving elective plastic surgery [click here if you missed that].

The father of Jacky's three children, Wild 'N Out comedian DC Youngfly, speaks out for the first time since her death...


The King Of The Real said...

Yeah. You should have paid a real doctor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's pathetic. He didn't love her. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

I really, really, really hope he shared these words or something close to it with her when she was here. Puffy dogged Kim Porter publicly then went on a public self serving publicity tour via IG after she passed. Let this be a warning to all the dudes taking advantage of and disrespecting the mother of their children. Nobody is promised tomorrow. Them dusty homeboys ya’ll love so much and have so much dedication and loyalty to will NOT help you raise your kids if something happens to Mommie. The grandmas and aunties help pick-up those pieces. And just like people say nobody wants a single mother with three kids, well nobody wants a single father of three that never legitimized their mom.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he's being strong for his fam🙏🏾 did i detect a dagger thrown at his mother?! AND a hint that he didn't want her to do the show/surgery?!

Anonymous said...

Y’all remember years ago a guy spoke out about how DC hit on him and sent his nudes??!! I don’t think I even knew about this site at the time. I can believe that he really didn’t love her like that and that he got with her to throw the rumors off cause soon as those rumors came out he fell into a relationship. Ironic ain’t it

Anonymous said...

^ What are you saying? She was his beard.

Anonymous said...

3:25 I haven't of that but I can see it. He does look fruity sweet.

Anonymous said...

he look zesty and he didn't mention her as wife just these kids. Yeah ..s@crafice

Anonymous said...

God bless you young man and I'm praying for your entire family. RIP Jacky.

Anonymous said...

It seems like he grew up over night. Glad he took some time to himself. This is life altering.

Anonymous said...

How do you brush your shoulders off from this? May the most high be with him and his family.

Anonymous said...


BM love you just the way you are. Quit being so competitive with each other. Half the things BW do we (BM) don’t even recognize. But y’all critique each other and push each other to do strange things. Don’t NO man want no super huge booty on a girl 5’5 with toothpick legs, NO! Cut it out. Just be your. WE LOVE YOU.

Anonymous said...

DCYF life just began again. U pray he rises to the occasion.

Anonymous said...

@5:58 AM. Facts. I tell my girl that all the time.

Anonymous said...

Sh1t just got real for real.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AB needs to stop.

Anonymous said...

A self inflicted tragedy. Don’t be next. Love yourself ladies.

Anonymous said...

Something’s you don’t miss or appreciate until they are gone.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street….

DCYF is Toxic

Anonymous said...

I’m hearing he treated her bad. Spoke to her bad and stuff. Wow. That’s sad to hear. V

Anonymous said...

He could’ve been a pimp in another life. He kinda like a pimp.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that JackyOh left her children to THIS. DC didn't acknowledge her as a long time partner, girlfriend, or fiancé and he also seems irresponsible. Her aunt and his mom who lived in the home with her, are elderly. What is he going to do about his mooching family members? JackyOh had her own money and those family members going on those trips bought nothing but an empty stomach and empty pockets. It's looking like he needs to hire a nanny for those girls for those doctors' appointments, school activities, hair, keeping the children clothed and bathe, he may need an accountant to keep his family members from spending all his money. Upkeep of the house, tracking her financials from her YTube channel and her online businesses/shipments. That tribute and was a mess. JackyOh...poor thing. Left her kids to some BS.

Anonymous said...

It really has gotten real for him. His son was still on the nipple; not even a year old. Its time to man up, DC.

Unknown said...

Black men like DC breed insecurities in black women. All they do is clown black women by calling them ugly, telling them how they lack assets (T&As), speak negatively about their hair texture and length; but swear black women's insecurities are tied to competing with other women? Please. If black men were half as supportive and impartial to how black women presented themselves, then there would be no social media beauty influencers. Black men are very vocal about what they want and expect in their women - & shockingly, they look a lot like Jacky Oh...maybe black men need to just STFU and support black women by not telling us what they view as "beautiful"; especially when that level of beauty is only attainable their racial mixing and plastic surgery.

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