Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Cardi B Wins $350,000 in Mixtape Lawsuit

Last year rapper Cardi B won the lawsuit filed against her by a man claiming she photoshopped his distinct back tattoo for her 2017 mixtape cover [click here if you missed that]. 

Now the accuser has been ordered to pay Cardi $350,000...

From XXL
Cardi B will receive $350,000 from the man who sued her for allegedly using his photo on her Gangsta B***h Music Vol. 1 mixtape cover.
On Monday (June 12), Kevin "Mike" Brophy entered a new agreement following the conclusion of the case, which he lost last October. The agreement, filed in federal court, states Brophy will pay Cardi B $350,000 and no longer seek a new trial in the case, according to court documents.
"The parties now have reached an agreement avoiding the necessity of Defendants’ motion for attorney’s fees and application to tax costs and Plaintiff’s New Trial Motion, and that agreement includes the entry of the accompanying proposed Order withdrawing Plaintiff’s New Trial Motion, withdrawing any claim by Defendants for attorney’s fees and costs to be awarded other than as set forth in the Order, and waiving appeal rights," the court filing states.


Anonymous said...

Cardi wins again

Anonymous said...

Some people handle and address their legal issues. She appears to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

All she do is win. That’s that motivation. Go Cardi.

Anonymous said...

It appears Cardi don’t play regarding nothing financial.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the win

Anonymous said...

Now take that fake booty off Cardi.

Anonymous said...

I need $350,000 right now. That’s it! I’m gonna sue somebody.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Tosha K is going to report this gossip – Steve

Anonymous said...

Yeah but when will the men she ALLEGEDLY drug and rob, get their money back These men can't come forward cause they married right ,ALLEGEDLY? Wow she's so lucky, fame and riches? ALLEGEDLY, ALLEGEDLY, ALLEGEDLY....But can you sleep at night? No one wants you,to sit with them, though, ALLEGEDLY....

Anonymous said...

Is she really winning though? ALLEGEDLY

Anonymous said...

@ 9:40 AM. I don’t want NO refund. I charged that to the game. And it was a hell of a ride.

Anonymous said...

If I were a man with a unique tattoo, I wouldn't want people to think I was on there with her either!!! Sorry he lost but this is the era of Jezebel. I'd go to a higher court.

Anonymous said...

This is some bull.

Anonymous said...

She practiced witchcraft so that is why she is “winning” yes winning for the devil! Look at that mixtape cover — disgusting! But the entertainment industry turn them all into a rapping prostitute and that is all she is a devil worshipping rapping prostitute but y’all like trash so have at it!

Anonymous said...

Actually Cardi has posted her praying to God and telling others to pray as well, so that witchcraft claim that Nikki made up trying to take her down ain’t washing out. Cardi just ain’t the one to play about her money. Most New Yorkers DO NOT play when it comes to their hustle and their coins. And I’m not even from NY and I know that to be true.

Anonymous said...

156 yep “praying” to her “god” the devil

Anonymous said...

@2:52 Tasha is that you???? You act like Cardi personally hurt you. It ain’t that deep.

Anonymous said...

@10:32 Heyy Nicki.

Anonymous said...

Laaawd, ..Granny say fo the hole werld to see..."Room muTha of the year" .

Anonymous said...

527 it’s not that “deep” but I don’t look up to people who pray to the devil and you must do too. Do you ! Not the right choice because the devil doesn’t love none of y’all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:04 You are talking about someone you don’t even know and making assumptions about a stranger just because they are in the public eye because that’s what “you” want to see with no facts.

I don’t know her, and I’m not a Stan, but There are videos of her praising God and Jesus, so until there is proof I’m going to believe her heart is in the right place by the way she treats her kids and all of Offsets kids that are not hers. But because she doesn’t behave in the way you feel appropriate she’s a Devil worshipper. Jesus never did that, nor teaches that, but yet you do.

If you are so holy you shouldn’t be on a GOSSIP blog. You need to be over at a Religious blog instead over here at blog dedicated to gossip. You not “saving” anybody you are just spewing hate and assumptions. And that’s not Godly at all. Some would say you are conversing with the Devil for being here and amplifying negativity. See your own sins before you call somebody else out.

Matthew 7:3 ESV
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye

Anonymous said...

1:14 good for you have a nice day ! I don’t go online defending devil filled celebrities. That girl is into that mess and you can’t tell me otherwise. And you wrote all of that to attack me for what? I want this blog shut down so who cares if I am on here ?

Anonymous said...

You don’t know her and not a Stan yeah right !!! Stop lying! I wouldn’t have written all of that over someone I am not a “Stan” for but ok go off!

Anonymous said...

I never said I was “holy” and I can read this just like you do and I call out trash when I see it which is YOU and 99 percent of this content, I wish you would go away ! Ok scat!

Anonymous said...

But you were so bothered you came back and wrote 3 comments back to back.You realized your “sinning” too on a gossip blog, and it cut you life a knife. If 99 percent of the content of this blog bothers you then be gone! Poof! Nobody is holding and your own demonic energy in disguise hostage. You wanna call somebody trash while you sitting in the trash can holding a banana peel.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did 732 and I see you still check this post also. lol @ sinning on a gossip blog are you serious ? You are doing that too duh but whatever you don’t pay my phone bill so if I wanna say this is trash I have a right to! Go listen to some cardi and have a good day who gives a damn !! Oh I cussed hahaha but watch your lame self will come and make another comment. Can you go talk to someone else and leave me alone? I said what I said that girl worship the devil that is her “ god” duh !! But you’re in denial but then again maybe you don’t believe in Christ either but that’s your choice and have a good day !

Anonymous said...

@nah I’m staying on you it’s fun! You’re the Devil you trying to project on other people. You said trying to get the blog shut down but yet you on here every day. Snitch steadily collecting her coins every time you click on or leave a comment. Thanks for making sure the blog stays here! You like living in the trash I see, with an extra banana peel and an apple core stuck to your filthy head!

Anonymous said...

3pm what a lame ! Snitch is so broke so yes I am helping him or her get the little bit of coin they can get, you acting like they are making lots of money on here, you must be a kid because you don’t know how real adults make money and this little broke blog won’t it! Needs to be shut down sp he or she can get a real job ! You must don’t remember “snitch” had a post asking for donations so go and help your little broke friend, either ways to improve this blog or need to find a real job but the only thing they probably qualify for is to work in fast food, no diss to fast food but snitch does not have any skills to make some real money.

Anonymous said...

I’m trash I’m the devil ok… what a laugh! Happy Juneteenth to you tomorrow. Snitch is will always be the little broke blogger. I am thankful I am not down in the gutter reporting “news from the bathroom wall” or whatever he or she say…. I don’t live a gutter, hoodrat life like y’all like to read/listen to/watch so good day to you ! Help that MF find some meaningful work and not sit up here being a lazy broke a** blogger ! I’m sorry and I’ll pray for you to do better because no one else cares but GOD does ! The real GOD not the devil cardi worships

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