Monday, June 26, 2023

Blair Underwood Remarries

Last year actor Blair Underwood announced his engagement to his longtime friend Josie Hart, a little over a year after ending his 27 year marriage to his wife Désirée [click here if you missed that].

Now Blair and Josie are husband and wife...

According to reports Blair and Josie tied the knot this weekend in front of 100 friends and family in a lavish destination wedding in the Dominican republic.

Actors Kim Fields and Malcom Jamal Warner were among the invited guests.

Go here to see the pics.


Anonymous said...

His ex eife of 27 years must be very hurt because he married their mutual friend who smiled in her face all of these years. The only plus is he got a woman his age. Blair is team foul

Anonymous said...

I don't know the particulars but I see this situation clearly👀
This n66a made his wife feel uneasy for 27yrs maintaining a "friendship " with Josy...and that dumb b*tch Josy waited😳
That's all i got....

Anonymous said...

27 years Josie waited to get in there. She beat Bobby's Dove Alicia by what 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Blair marriage will not last at all. he broke one in the 10th go
commandment “Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery.”

Vernell said...

Those 2 Have Been Fucking Around ALL Those Years & Josie Was The Side-Chick...

Anonymous said...

I hope his ex wife always remembers that she had him when he was hot, fine, and YOUNG. Josie is getting him as a senior citizen. Lol. His ex wife had his best years. Lol

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the ex got alimony and half as well as the SAG-AFTRA retirement pension actors get.

Anonymous said...

When you think about it, Blair had a FAMILY with the wife he trusted and respected to be the mother of his kids. Nen always do that no matter how much they cheat. So this man raised an entire family while she sat on the sidelines getting occasional rumps. Smh. Essentially, she was daydreaming about a young fine Blair almost 30 years but when she woke up she got AARP and denture cream Blair.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yall are talking about Blair like he aged as badly as Bobby Brown. Though not as hot as his "Set it off" days he still looks great.

Anonymous said...

At least Charles (Camilla) was a widower.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I know your ex-wife and children are pissed. I would be. But you have to live your life. Screw commitment.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, was he messing with this woman while he was married? Steve

Anonymous said...

You missed the entire point. None is saying he aged badly, he does look good , but his ex got his strongest and most virile years. She laid next to the young man without aches and pains. Blair does arthritis commercials now, and that's not bad, but the point is atleast his ex can be grateful she had the young fun him.. Josie got a fantasy that isn't going to be what she thinks. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why this entered my mind. It sounds like a throuple. The three of them were a triad and he legally divorced one women in the triad to be with the other. They were all "friends" and will continue to be friends now that he has shifted the women around.

Anonymous said...

The picture on this post had me thinking he married a white man. I was so confused and sad, but I spent five minutes convincing myself that this was normal and it was okay. I click the pictures and I felt dumb ass heck.

Anonymous said...

So he basically married the woman that wrecked his home, aka the mistress!

Anonymous said...

No joke. This happened to my mother. She never really got over it.
Blair looks good. New wife looks hard in the jaw.

Anonymous said...

Sooo don’t trust these men with women as best friends/long term friends? Got it! You can’t tell me they didn’t have something going in all this time. Smh

No Chiraq said...

They wore white.

Anonymous said...

Blair is so cruel to his ex. He told a magazine how his mother always loved and adored Josie. Really??? Smh. He also said that although they both married other people, they lived parallel lives and remained friends. He tried his best to gut his ex wife with that bull.

Anonymous said...

Josie looks quite abit older than Blair. It says he met her at 16. How old was she when He was 16? Could be the reason why he didn't pick her when he became famous.

Anonymous said...

Some friend. Who needs enemies?

Anonymous said...

Blair says: "For all of those who know us, and I'm talking about our nine kids, grandkids, former spouses. For everybody to be on-board and embrace and accept this union is nothing but God."

Sounds to me like the ex-wife is over it. Some of y'all sound more bitter about this marriage than she might be.

Anonymous said...

Look up Burgess Owens

WiserWords2 said...

Anonymous said...
Blair says: "For all of those who know us, and I'm talking about our nine kids, grandkids, former spouses. For everybody to be on-board and embrace and accept this union is nothing but God."

Sounds to me like the ex-wife is over it. Some of y'all sound more bitter about this marriage than she might be.

12:41 PM
Those making the bitter comments are telling us more about their failed relationships than they are about Blair's.

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