Thursday, May 04, 2023

Proud Boy Leader Found Guilty of Sedition

On January 6, 2021 Donald Trump supporters led by the far right gang the 'Proud Boys' stormed the U.S. Capitol in an effort to overturn the 2020 election [click here if you missed that]. 

Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has been found guilty of seditious conspiracy.....

From AP
Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and three other members of the far-right extremist group were convicted Thursday of a plot to attack the U.S. Capitol in a desperate bid to keep Donald Trump in power after the Republican lost the 2020 presidential election.
A jury in Washington, D.C., found Tarrio and three lieutenants guilty of seditious conspiracy after hearing from dozens of witnesses over more than three months in one of the most serious cases brought in the stunning attack that unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021, as the world watched on live TV.
Jurors cleared a fifth defendant — Dominic Pezzola — of the sedition charge, though he was convicted of other serious felonies. The judge excused the jury without delivering a verdict on some counts — including another conspiracy charge for Pezzola — after jurors failed to reach a unanimous decision.
It’s a significant milestone for the Justice Department, which has now secured seditious conspiracy convictions against the leaders of two major extremist groups prosecutors say were intent on keeping Democratic President Joe Biden out of the White House at all costs. The charge carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years.


R in NYC said...

These idiots feeling kind of stupid right now. Don't drop the soap Enrique!

Anonymous said...

Lock them up!!! Lock them up!!! Lock them up!!!

Anonymous said...

I’m over here.

Anonymous said...

And this is why black people need to kick Latinos out of our click! We are black, but now they done managed for us to include them with "black and brown" or "people of color". Latinos are considered white and claim white. Only a small percentage of Latinos really love black people, the rest after culture vultures and will side with whites against us. If a Latino can join the KKK why are we acting like they are our allies. This Latino is an anti black Trump supporter but he would be considered a person of color.

Anonymous said...

@7:41 Pick up a book a read...bc you sound stupid. But i kinda understand why you feel that way cuz all skin folk ain't kin folk...Enrique & the rest of them latinos & blacks look like idiots stomping for YT ppl that'll skin their azz's alive with out hesitation. That's the "house ni**er" mentality. It exists in All cultures colonized by greedy, barbaric white men.
The ships that left AFRICA stopped in S.America(Spanish speaking), N. America(English speaking) & Canada(English & French). Just bc the barbarians diluted the blood for 400yrs doesn't negate the fact the the origin is AFRICA.

Anonymous said...

I may sound stupid to you but I live in Florida. The Hispanics here consider themselves white, so that people of color label don't apply to them. Latino/Hispanic people is a very very very broad spectrum of people from Guatemala to Puerto Rico. They don't ask have our backs and yes Latino people can join the klan. The lady that ran over BLM protestors is Latino and she only got 5 days community service. I'm just saying we need to close the net on who is considered for us. Our issues are getting more and more watered down because everyone is jumping on our bus. Black people need to become less inclusive about our fights because these people do not have our backs. I go to a Cuban cafe and they play non stop Spanish music videos and every single one is copying black music culture but these same people will look down on actual black people.

Anonymous said...

True. Latinos only jump on our bandwagon to protest/fight when it benefits them. They never lead a protest for equality for all.

Kedarbenjudah said...

One by one the feds are (in my Denzel voice) "putting cases on all these b!tches" that upset the apple cart the old saying don't commit crimes or the feds come for you because they hate competition is playing out right in front of our eyes, Trump is next all the cases one of them minimum is going to stick.

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