Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Nicki Minaj Defamation Lawsuit Hits a Roadblock

Last year the Queen of Rap sued gossip vlogger Nosey Heaux for defamation of character [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Nosey Heaux wants the case tossed out...

The blogger who accused Nicki Minaj of abusing drugs has demanded the rapper’s lawsuit be thrown out of court, has learned.
According to court documents obtained by, Marley Greene aka “Nosey Heaux” has denied all allegations of wrongdoing in the case accusing her of defamation.
Last year, Minaj sued Green for allegedly spreading lies about her using drugs and making “vile” comments about her son. The rapper took issue with the woman “falsely and maliciously” claiming Minaj is a “cokehead” who is “shoving all this c----- up her nose.”
Her lawsuit read, “In just the day following Green’s September 12, 2022 publication of her lie that [Minaj] is a “cokehead” on her Twitter page, almost 2,000 people had “liked” it. More importantly, more than 260 people had retweeted it, which led to a firestorm of social media attention which was undoubtedly caused by multiple levels of subsequent retweets. While social media is an extraordinarily effective vehicle for spreading lies, it does not confer a license to do so.”
Minaj demanded unspecified compensatory damages plus punitive damages.
In her newly filed response, obtained by, the blogger argued that, “The complained-of-acts of these answering Defendants were justified and privileged under the circumstances, including but not limited to truth, fair comment and opinion.”
Further, Greene said any damages “suffered by [Minaj] was a direct and proximate result of her own misconduct and actions.”
In addition, she said she didn’t publish any “defamatory statements” concerning Minaj. Greene has asked for the entire lawsuit to be dismissed and Minaj not to be awarded a dime in the case.


Anonymous said...

Nicki does or did coke, please let this nonsense go away

Anonymous said...

Will We Black Folk Ever Get It Together? Ignorant Immature Petty AF.

R in NYC said...

Nicki trying to pull a Cardi B. on Nosey Heaux. If she's not doing coke then what is she on?

Anonymous said...

Nosey should get her attorney to ask for a drug test via a hair sample. If Nicki doesn't do coca cola, then she should have to prove it.

Anonymous said...

NM could be a whole crackhead out here married to who she married to it is not NH business she is begging for the TK special. Her ending up owing a millionaire all the coinage she earns from being a repulsive s* x worker and part time blogger is just pure ignorance

Anonymous said...

True R, she trying to pull that Cardi B, 4millie special.
What does NM husband do all day?

Kedarbenjudah said...

Toxicity in our culture is what creates a demand for negativity secretly many want to see you win because it indicates someone that looks like you and comes from identical or similar circumstance can reach great heights and therefore making it possible for any of us to do the same, but secretly some also want to see you knocked down from the great heights you've reached not all but many who lack the tools to map a course to that success and the discipline to persevere through the trials and tribulations you will face on that path those who do will make a go of it some will succeed some will fall just short and still succeed in obtaining happiness and success in their own right and some while on that path will fall in love with some other aspect of the business and in doing so will obtain their own personal fulfillment, happiness and that in itself is success and reaching the greatest of heights. However those you flounder and lack direction and drive but want all the worlds jewels for nothing in return will always be hiding in and among the many mentioned above and we kindly call them haters. I hope justice is served if Miss Maraj is an obsessive user of substances and has in fact developed a dependency on such substances is not as important as being able to verify what is being publicly stated by those reporting it as fact. As my lawyer would put it in plain English it's not what you know it's what you can prove, and in this case lack of proof could equal liability.

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