Monday, May 22, 2023

Janelle Monae Covers Rolling Stone

Pop star Janelle Monae covers the next issue of Rolling Stoine Magazine...


The King Of The Real said...

I guess. I aint mad at ya. You looking good girl.

Anonymous said...

She went from always wearing black and white to always being half naked and telling you about how she's non binary. 🙄 Hollywood and the music industry really does a number on these people to the point where they no longer let their talent speak for itself. She doesn't just sing and act anymore. She's always being extra and annoying.

Anonymous said...

She really doesn’t have to take this route. She makes good music, and been in good shows/movies, but I digress. I still bump electric lady album. My favorite album of hers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i like this girl but she’s needing too much.

Anonymous said...

Her music sucks and I can understand why she went this route.

Anonymous said...

8:37 lmao!!!!! 😂

Anonymous said...

JM is an adult and can do as she pleases, but it’s always disappointing to see a truly talented/creative female artist go the T&A route. I mean this transformation came from out of nowhere.

This just goes to prove, you can be a celebrity all day, but if you want to be a star, eventually you WILL fall in line

Anonymous said...

Those breastese are looking mighty perky. How you doing JM?
Jokes aside I agree with all the comments.

Anonymous said...

so sexy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nothing left to the imagination these days. Once you showing titles what's next? LOL She look good tho. As anybody with no kids and a bunch of money should.

Unknown said...

I love Janelle Monae and I find her artistry very refreshing. I love her style and music. I'm looking forward to this new era of artistry!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is do it while you’re young. Beauty/Youth has belonged to many………

But has stayed with no one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will drink her bath water. And thats just nasty.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what she’s going to do when its time to have babies. The choices she’s going to make. It’s unclear based on these photos where her heads at. Will she do it the old fashion way or nah is the question.

Anonymous said...

Whoever gets her will be one lucky man/woman. Who’s got the golden ticket.

Anonymous said...

Titty play. That’s the stage in life she’s at. Realizing the power of the titty. It wields a lot.

Anonymous said...

@11:44pm it’s nasty but I’ll drink her bath water with you!!!! 😂🤣💯🤷🏻‍♀️

Anonymous said...

just say LESBIAN, non binary bull💩

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