Monday, May 08, 2023

Freddie Gibbs Laughs Off Messy Trend

Last week rapper Freddie Gibbs trended for hours on Twitter after his ex-girl friend revealed a certain peccadillo about their relationship [click here if you missed that].

Freddie leans in...

At first Freddie tried to play it off like he didn't know he was trending.

Then he just started retweeting people clowning him

Finally Freddie shut down the conversation by sharing the infamous jail house clip that took the phrase "tossing salad" out of the prison yard and into the American lexicon, with the caption, "I prefer Jelly." 


Anonymous said...


The King Of The Real said...

My goodness. Ya boy is ratchet.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, aiight Spreaddie Gibbs...

Anonymous said...

Haha. I remember that HBO jail special or whatever it was. Lol These girls be out here tossing Salads and then throw back in the man face. Crazy ppl

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