Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The REAL Reason CNN Fired Don Lemon?

This week news anchor Don Lemon announced that he had been terminated without warning after 17 years at CNN [click here if you missed that].

Now insiders are whispering that a recent dustup with a Republican politician was the last straw...


Anonymous said...

I actually agreed with Don here though. If you’re not black you can’t tell me about our struggle. That man was loud and wrong.

Anonymous said...

I haven’t watched it but cnn will probably will find anything to add to their list to get rid of him. They were clearly over him once they demoted him from night to a group in the morning.

Anonymous said...

uh, i don’t think a reporter or journalist is supposed to sound like this with anyone, including a candidate. The candidate shouldn’t be invited to the platform but then lose the right to speak his opinions. I guess they would say the candidate wasn’t questioned and just challenged, but he was silenced. cnn pretends to be too “neutral” to allow that, but they wanted DL gone anyway.

Anonymous said...

Been stopped watching CNN...Never was a fan of Don but I'm glad he flat out told that mf straight up๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ wish he was better prepared to really give that POS the business.
This them crakas new talking points. And they started it off with Tim Gums Scott & another token ass n66a actually spewing this same sh*t
Yeah Don shut that sh*t down & get yo bread. Then go on Drink Champs & SPILL๐Ÿ˜ญ

Anonymous said...

Don Lemon wasn’t wrong๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพ‍♀️

Anonymous said...

That Indian boy think them YT ppl his friends๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that he stood up for blacks with his Yt lover waiting at home for him.

Anonymous said...

Don Lemmon wanted out. He's been baiting the powers that be for a while now.

Anonymous said...

That got them living on reservations thinking Yt'y was going to do right by them.

Anonymous said...

@1:25 the candidate is South Asian Indian…as in from the country of India. Either way, he was wrong AF and has no chance of winning anything

Queen Brown Suga said...

1:05 & 1:11 hit it dead on the head. They can accept Don's gayness but not his blackness. That's the problem with most immigrants, come here & get international grants & loans that African Americans never had access to as natural born citizens & think they're somehow above us & black folks squandered opportunities that we've never had๐Ÿ™„

Lynny said...

Don’t like Don BUT HE WASNT WRONG HERE. He told him “ok you can go now” lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚…dead ☠️

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Don Lemon. However, he did something important which was to correct blatant lies. The guest stated that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed all rights to African Americans and the NRA assisted with this. If this were true we would have not had the Jim Crow or the Civil Rights Act many years later. A lot of people DO NOT READ and will take anything they hear on television as fact. It is important to have people speak up when lies are told so that the masses can realize that what is being said is not the truth (hopefully). Lastly the guest cannot tell Don how his experience as an African American should or should not be. I'm glad he shut him all the way down.

TRACI404 said...

Folks from India dont like Black People, they feel rhat we are inferriir to them.
This idiot wants to talk about our history! LOLLLL! Go sit down!
All in our koolaid and don't know the flavor!

Anonymous said...

No Don fan but that Indian guy was out of line. Do you see us discussing Hindu or Indian immigrant issues? No

Kedarbenjudah said...

Thank you Don Lemon for standing up to this blowhard he is a just another far right nut job in brown-face and I'm sure they love over at the far right and fox hate dispenser they call a news channel typical tactic of all these boulder heads they always think being the loudest makes them right no regard for facts, relevance of subject matter to the actual conversation. I always say girls who listen to Cardi B music and far right balloon heads are the two groups who the loudest is right and the clear winner of any debate or disagreement.

Kedarbenjudah said...

And that F@cker Carlson jacka$$ is a grifter attempting to line his pockets know damm well he is spreading lies and his own emails prove it also proved his perosnal opinion of the donald he openly professed a personal hatred of him but no of this : the knowing of facts in contradiction of his talking points and content on his show daily made any difference he is a grifter and I believe he hated trump because they were to alike. He spread his hateful imaginative fairytale of replacement theory to do everything he could to cast minorities as suspects and threats long and short of it hate speech he decided he didn't care about facts about truth about the country he claims to love and represent he caused divisiveness exclusion and should have been charged for the tiki torch burning proud boy supporter driving his car into a crowd and killing a woman that day and evening there talking points were about replacement theory ....his invention and theme of his show most day.

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