Thursday, April 13, 2023

Meghan Markle Planing Birthday Bash Blowout on Coronation Day?

This week it was reported that Meghan Markle would not be accompanying her husband, Prince Harry, for the King's Coronation, scheduled on the same day their son Archie turns 4 [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders are whispering that Meghan is planning a blowout bash for Archie's big day and half of Hollywood is expected to attend...
Mark your calendar, Meghan Markle is throwing a star-studded 4th birthday party for her son Archie and it just HAPPENS to fall on the same day as her father-in-law, King Charles’ coronation. According to a Montecito, California insider, Meghan’s hoping to pull more star power than the King, and she’s inviting half of Hollywood and a ton of movers and shakers to her son’s party. The insider explains that this won’t be a typical kids party with pin the tail on the donkey. It will be a fancy catered celebration with the exclusive photos possibly sold to the highest bidder to raise money for the foundation Meg and Prince Harry front. Guests have been told to SAVE THE DATE and DRESS TO IMPRESS.


Anonymous said...

Shocking news for the fake royal fam. Splitting the dim spotlight on end of an era.

Anonymous said...

she’s her father’s daughter, her sister’s sister
seems it would benefit the world if she was more like her mom’s

Anonymous said...

This b is a stunt queen. It would be no surprise if she showed up in a pic with a belly. No one in the US even seen a coronation especially one of a man that had his bm murked so he could marry his 4ever side piece and make her consort. so no one is tuning in to see like Oppy celebrate his birthday but enjoy

Anonymous said...

Just so happened they scheduled it on the baby's birthday. They were being lowdown and passive aggressive, but God will bless the very child they are trying to spite. They aren't
Even real royals, they are Germans who were fond of Adolph. Their last name is not Windsor either. @ 1:45, you're an idiot. They hate her because she's her mother's child you buffoon. They hate she has the mitochondrial dna of a Black woman. It's her blood they see.

R in NYC said...

Keep giving them hell Meg!
It's hilarious how the trolls come out on these Meg and Demented Donnie posts. 🤣
@ 3:09 You said it all. They are Hitler loving Germans and the secret of those missing school kids died with the Queen.
There's nothing "royal" about that family.
Charles' former deceased best friend was a notorious pedophile.

Anonymous said...

Hope they sing the child happy birthday Stevie Wonder version.

Anonymous said...

No one cares about any of this. They are no longer royals. Its her son's birthday, of course she wants a big party for her first born. The Royal family knows the birth dates of all of its members. File your complaint with them.

Anonymous said...

Their kingdom is coming to an abrupt end. Who you ask. The rulers of this present earth.

Anonymous said...

She will come to regret playing these games with her in-laws. Someone with more confidence and class would not try to outshine relatives that they do not like. She is so transparent.

The King Of The Real said...

Petty and not cool

Anonymous said...

Duchess Do Nothing and her Clown Prince husband ain't giving nobody nothing. 🤡 The audit of their company said they only work one hour a week and about 95 prrcent of the money for their charity they have kept for themselves. What exactly has Meghan done for Black people??? Where are her community hours with black girls? Her programs to help black communities? Where her black friends who aren't rich that can't do something for her? The Melissa's to her Rhianna? Who in her circle is black and regular that she has been seen with other than the nanny?

Atleast Beyonce with her fake Queen title has "Bey Good" and they actially do something for Black communities. What has Meghan done? Oh lied about her kids not getting titles because they were mixed when really it was because the old Queen hadn't died yet and her kids wouldn't be eligible until Charlie took the thrown. Soon as they could Meghan and Harry hurried up and dropped press releases that their kids were now titled.

If they hate the royals so much and been so wronged why keep the titles, why keep being associated with them at all. Let it all go and live free. It was all about a money grab because Charles cut them off money wise when they quit. Harry said his family ain't racist. I'm going to belive Harry.

Yeah, the royals played chess, they knew what they were doing when the put it on that kids birthday. Stay home Duchess Do Nothing. These two grifters wrote a whole tell all on them, called them racists and then ltook it back, lied and said they never did, and did pity me interviews and TV specials weekly. And you think the family just supposed to sit back and take that betrayal because theses two drifters wanted more money and becausethey press saw thru her after she ghosted her daddy? Nah, no family black or white let's you try to ruin them and then just forgets about it. If Do Little and the Clown prince can dish it, then they can take. You see how Meghan did her daddy .So if she did her own daddy dirty, and isolated that druggie red head fool she married, then you know she doesn't care about a cornination, carnation, or Live Nation. She got what she wanted, the titles, the money and like Fergie, 2 permanent life support checks. Like Trump, she going be all right, griffters got 9 lives. 🥂🤣

Anonymous said...

MM is a POS, she has no business setting her foot back in London. The disrespect for the Heads of State is unreal. I cannot imagine the different boxes they would have been shipping her parts back to Doria had she tried to come between any other real king or sheikha and their sons. I really think it boils down to Charles having pity for Harry afterall they did get rid of his mother so Camilla could be his consort.

Anonymous said...

She has always been petty and nasty. Seriously hope she doesn't materialise for the coronation.Nobody wants her there.... very problematic woman who thinks everything should revolve around her.4:32PM, you said it all...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 4:13, 5:07, and 5:16, is the same unstable mental patient who posted earlier. You are truly 5150. Go take your meds

Anonymous said...

6:29 ok?! Writing dissertations on every post about this woman. It’s weird.

Meghan has 2 options. Go across the pond and possibly be egged like her in-laws, or stay in the US safely, enjoying her son’s big day with loved ones? Anyone with a right mind would choose the latter. Diana’s sisters will probably attend too! They always come thru for their nephews.

Anonymous said...

I just think most people see through her. Meghan has said she never considered herself a Black woman or ever been treated like one. Those Brits gave her her “Black Card” and she will never forgive them for that so she ran back to the states to return back to her “ I’m passing” privileges.

I think 4:32 is right where is her Black community programs and Black friends that are friends just for the sake friendship not to use their jets, mansions and drop their names for press? When they release pictures of his birthday party and they will, they are thirsty like that…How many people in the pictures look like us that aren’t there because they are super rich? Go look, How many black and brown people did you SEE at the birthday party picture for their daughter they released? 2 and that was the photographer and her mom, who helps to look after the kids. That’s it. A lot of you going hard for someone who doesn’t even claim you, but will use your sympathy of presumed racism to cash in. Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Zendaya, and H.E.R, are all mixed and roll in mixed crowds, but this one some people are defending, there is no mixing, just passing. And they have been caught in multiple lies but some people want to ignore it because she’s half Black. That’s not a reason to automatically defend someone. A liar is a liar, and a grifter is a grifter. They come in all colors, including mixed.

As for the rest of royals it a wrap as soon as William becomes King, somebody will have to check on Harry when that happens because he’s already eaten up with jealousy now because William is Diana’s twin, all William needs is a blonde wig. When he becomes King, Harry will truly be unhinged.

Anonymous said...

None of this really matters, America doesn’t even recognize royals, everyone who’s not in the top 1% is in the struggle here. All this is a smoke screen for them about to flip the currency on us. FedNow is already online and will fully begin its new policy in July. That’s not even crazy Q conspiracy bs, that’s real facts.

Anonymous said...

IDK if two of those times are the same but I'm one person. MM is an @sshole. No family in the world no matter what status or class would accept her thinking she could swoop in and pick which of granny's jewel's she is wearing and set the new tone of a 1000 year old institution. She didnt have to research them to know basic etiquette. In fact she would get her face slapped off her right there in Compton for trying that bs. She knew the moment she met them they were racist and had no use for her but she wanted that money, well she got some - 507.

Sunno said...

It was already reported that the Big Stars, said no. I don't blame her, she has every right not to attend, they don't even fk with her, they reused to even give the baby basic security or a title.

Anonymous said...

@9:02. The baby was NOT entitled to security when the parents are NON WORKING royals. Grandchildren do not receive security. Queen Elizabeth’s own daughter Princess Royal Anne children did NOT have security. Anne has always worked she just chose for her kids to be normal and not have a title as well. That ped* Prince Andrew’s kids Security are paid by him not by the crown. Grandchildren don’t get security unless it’s the direct heir.

So ,Harry KNEW he was not getting security just like the other royal grandchildren throughout history did not have, but he felt entitled and spoiled to demand it, even thought he knew the rules and being non-working. Also Archie was NOT entitled to have a title at that moment. Even William’s daughter and the other little one weren’t automatically entitled. The Queen changed the rules for William because William was a direct heir and felt that the daughter should be treated no differently than her brother so that how she got her title and it and now it is a permanent rule for the children of the direct heir. Harry is not the direct heir, so he got treated just like the Queen’s other children and grandchildren.

Archie became eligible and a Prince when the Queen died and Charles his grandfather took the throne. Harry KNEW his children WOULD become titled once his father took the throne as this has been their rules for hundreds of years. Meghan impatiently wanted the titles immediately and they BOTH lied on Oprah claiming he wasn’t getting the title because he was mixed. They knew he was getting it but LIED anyways to stir the racial buttons for sympathy and to get more press. And that’s why I don’t respect either of them, nor Oprah who didn’t even bother to fact check their lies. Racism is engrained in our lives daily and to claim racism and then lie and take it back saying he never said it or emptied it is DIRTY and DISRESPECTFUL.💯

Archie became a Prince, as Harry already knew, as the rules stated and Lilbet is a Princess BOTH kids titled. They were not treated unfairly. Harry knows this but Meghan wants to be treated like Kate. Kate will one day be Queen, and her son is a direct heir. The name of Harry’s book basically expresses his and Meghan’s jealousy. “Spare”. Many rules were broken for Meghan and she was actually treated better than Kate, with the Queen directly taking her under her wing and on tour, Charles paying for Meghan’s wardrobe which was 3 times more than the future Queen’s, and with Charles walking her down the isle after she ghosted her sick daddy. People seem to forget that.🤷🏽‍♀️ They threw a temper tantrum because Charlie always had paid Harry’s bills and shielded him. When Harry got married his dad saw him as an adult who no longer needed to be babied but still kept him on the payroll. When they quit his check got cut too and Harry and Meghan were stunned, even though Harry had millions from his great grandmother and Diana. So he was never poor like they claimed. Welcome to adulthood Harry where daddy ain’t paying your bills. 💯

Anonymous said...

And for the ones complaining about long paragraphs it a BLOG, if you don’t wanna read it, skip it, nobody has a gun to your head and is forcing you to read anything. It’s a GOSSIP blog plain and simple. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

You with the long lies, please seek help. These people don't give a rats behind about you and your stories. SMDH

Anonymous said...

Leave the dissertation writer alone. I actually enjoy reading their analysis!

Anonymous said...

I like the dissertation writer too! They breaking it all the way down!

Anonymous said...

They may be long winded but that long @ss writer telling no lies! Got Meghan’s fans triggered by the truth. Rant on writer!

Anonymous said...

Why must Meghan do something for the black community? Why must we see her black family? Did y’all not see the Videos of people throwing eggs at their king? And we all know from the comments on here to the media over there, she is not liked. So why go where she isn’t wanted? They ran her up outta there and now they’re slandering her for staying away? Leave that woman alone. She’s doing exactly what they wanted. Staying away!

Anonymous said...

Harry & Meghan are very senior royals. The fact that they were gaslit forced to step away from their duties does not make them “former royals”. Harry is a Prince of the Blood of a Reigning Monarch. Meghan is called a Duchess however, she is also a Princess of the United Kingdom. Archie is a Prince, Lilibet is a Princess. These facts will not change all in spite of all the lies peddled in the British media.

Harry complained about security issues. Prince Archie was not given the birthday gift of page boy at his grandfather’s coronation, Meghan staying home with her babies is the best option. The Sussexes can see Dad/Grandpa quietly anytime.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 4.59pm - I agree. Harry, Meghan & their children are Royal. Should they choose to live on the moon, they will always be senior royals. Yes, Prince Archie turns 4 on his Grandpa’s coronation. Since they deliberately crashed the birthday boy’s day, I too wondered why he was not offered the role of a page boy. Failing his cousin, Prince George guiding him down the aisle, they should have given Prince Archie small role to suit.

Absolutely. It is better to stand strong with one’s self-respect , honor and dignity undiluted. Harry & Meghan made the right decision.

Anonymous said...

Errr, too many vicious lies in the press. Just FYI, there is no such thing as Harry & Meghan being called “no longer royals”. Harry & Meghan are simply “non-working” Members of The British Royal Family. They are both Prince & Princess of the United Kingdom, as are their son & daughter. King Charles III is their Dad & Grandpapa. Nothing or nobody can un-Royal them …it’s done. LOL.

Anonymous said...

LIES Meghan is not a Princess. She would had to be declared one by the crown. Just like Prince Phillip was NOT a King, even though he was MARRIED to the Queen. She never bestowed it to him as King, so he kept his Prince title since he was one by blood and she gave him Duke of Edinburgh but never the title of King.👑

Meghan’s children are Prince and Princess by blood line of Harry alone, but she herself is only a Duchess and that by marriage. If they were to remove Harry’s Duke title, which they won’t, she could resort to Princess Harry because Harry is a Prince by blood but she can NEVER use Princess Meghan because she isn’t one. Just like Princess Micheal of Kent can never call herself Princess Marie because she never received the title of Princess on her own just like Meghan never received it on her own. 💯

Kate received the Princess of Wales title when Charles bestowed it on her as Charles bestowed Prince of Wales to William as it was William’s birthright and moved up in succession. Zara who was born a Princess did not receive the title because her mother Princess Royals Anne did not want it bestowed on her, so she and her brother both do not titles, and Sophie married to Prince Edward only recently became a Duchess this year, only after the crown bestowed it her, it is not automatic.

Fergie as well, was never a Princess and she is in the exact position as Meghan and Sophie, married to the brother of a king/future king, 💯 She was always only a Duchess as that was the title bestowed to her. Meghan is not a Princess, a Duchess yes, a Princess no. If your going to lie at least fact check. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Charles is also “bestowing” the title Queen to Camilla. It is not automatic that she becomes Queen. She had the title Queen Consort because that’s what the old Queen agreed to, but now that the Queen is gone and Charles can do whatever he wants, so Camilla will be crowned and bestowed the title of Queen, again only by the hand crown. She is not automatically Queen because she is married to the King. The title must be given, if not by blood. Facts.

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