Three years ago actor Marques Houston raised eyebrows after getting married to a 19-year-old girl who had previously been listed as a teenage runaway [click
here if you missed that].
Marques addresses the controversial union on the next season of Uncensored on TVOne...
In a clip from the upcoming interview Marques insists they didn't get together until she was of legal age and that she was the one insisting nobody would care about their age difference.
He tapped it before she was of age.
Get a woman your own age. This little girl has no clue how to protect herself financially if he gets tired of her.
19 is grown. Period.
My parents got married at 21and 19. Moms was 19.
OT: can we get a post on Monique's Netflix standup? WTF was that bullshyt? The first 20+ minutes are about special ed? Da fck?!
She's a 19-year-old woman, not girl. A 17-year-old can join the military. Sixteen is the age of consent in half of American states. Stop trying to protect grown folks from themselves. They'll learn like we all did.
I feel like as long as she’s happy then who cares. She wanted a suga daddy and soft life, and got just that.
i freaking dont curr
To: 6:27 PM
Your parents were only a couple of years older than each other. No comparison. Marquise is a whole 20 years older than this girl, which means when she was 19, he was 39.
19 is a grown ars woman. Age of the man is insignificant. A man being much older does not diminish the fact that 19 is still a grown ars woman.
Sexual predator and a sicko. He was grooming her for years like a typical pedophile
^^^no we just don’t care. If sis wanted out then sure, but she’s enjoying her life with her husband, and MH doesn’t make music, or even act anymore to get “cancelled”…soooo what do you suggest we do? I need to save my outrage on more important things.
sexual assault victims who never get professional help for what has happened with them are mentally stunted at the age the assault happened. this is why MH cant understand the uproar of what he's done, the abused becomes the abuser. same with r kelly. and this is the next sexual agenda, adults having full sexual relations with minors
At least he wifed her. Next!
Can you post on the 'school' that gave Angela White a degree certificate? It's an alleged, unaccredited fraud. It should have been obvious that she didn't put in the work that would have been required by any reputable institution.
Boy BYE.....What 41yr old has mutual friends with a 17yr old...
He clearly is in need of something that he decided to conjure a story & Finally share😳 This mf was abused & turned into a pedo. That girl better watch her daughter around this mf....
Him & Chris Stokes ain't right!
Ladies quit tripping. Men have taken younger wives since the beginning of time. This yt society has set unrealistic rules yo this. In societies around the world women still get married at 15 and its normal. In this country they keep pushing women’s natural purpose back until they are no longer able to fulfill a woman’s purpose. Namely to have a husband and pro create. This world does not want BW to have children. Therefore they promote independence. By the time a woman goes through her phases of society in the vein of independence, (school, career, heauxing, etc ,etc), she is generally incapable or not desirable for a family structure. Women get married asap. Skip that heaux phase. It might be fun but the damage will be done.
He wore the zestiest wedding shoes that I'd ever seen a man wear to a wedding.
Good for MH. I’m a 42 yo male and I doubt if i marry a 42 yo woman. The women i am seeing currently range from 27 - 33. They are more mailable to my no drama lifestyle. Women my age always want to know what’s next. What’s the plan? Where do i fit in your life? That’s when i keep it moving. They be mad.
Bottom line: y’all can’t speak on Marcus Houston.
The people defending pedophilia in the comments is unbelievable! Predators are just that, predators. They prefer younger people who are easier to manipulate. 19years old is a legal adult, and still mentally a CHILD. The human brain doesn't complete development until 25years old. 19years old is still young, and stupid.
Marques Houston was a victim of pedophilia and has now become a predator. That young woman was trafficked and groomed to be the bride of a male 20years older than herself. She is a victim and doesn't even realize it. The grooming was that good. Tragic!
So many pedophile lovers in these comments. Sickening
Let’s just keep it real. Keep the mans age out of it. When does a woman come of age to marry. I say 16 is the earliest age. It might not be an ideal age because of societal ideology, but clearly a woman is grown at this age.
Did Marcus know her since she was 12? Wasnt she a missing child or runaway and now she pops up married to some 41 year old Marcus Houston?'s giving pedophile groomer R.Kelly vibes.
2:10 and he said he met her through Chris Stokes daughter and that they’re all jehovah witnesses…baby it’s giving cult and some weird ish going on for real. He told on himself with that post saying “3 years of marriage, 10 years together.”
She was adopted or placed with her foster parents in Cali before she ran away from Oregon. And those missing pics were weird. Her clothes, her hair…just all off. They said she was trying to get back to her mom or gma, but she might’ve been trying to get back to MH and whatever ish him and Chris are into. Sad, but maybe she is right where she wants to be. If not, hopefully she is saving, and planning her escape.
I've always found it strange that people are so quick to post that the human brain doesn't fully develop until 25...yet, when kids like Zion decide to become Zaya, it's applauded and encouraged!
Why isn't the brain development argument used when the story pertains to transkids?! Why are some American states pushing for kids to be able to take hormones and get gender swapping surgery, without their parents knowledge...all whilst keeping in mind that their brains aren't yet fully developed, to make such a life-long decision???
With regards to Marques and this lady's story...I will admit that something is amiss!
On one hand, there are kids (below the age of 18) masterminding home robberies; car thefts; kidnappings, murders etc.
On the other hand, there are under 18 year olds inventing tech apps; getting accepted into multiple Ivy league schools; starting legitimate businesses etc.
Being a teenager (or an adult that cannot yet legally drink) does not mean one is ignorant, stupid or unknowledgable!
AAA 👏👏👏 chef’s kiss to both comments.
Lots of creeps & apologists on this board
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