Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Joe Biden Announces Bid for Reelection

President Joe Biden officially announces his 2024 bid for re-election with running mate Kamala Harris...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ugh, Here we go again. Gotta happen this way bc no new Dem candidate would win bc our people don't vote.

Anonymous said...

He needs to collect his pension and sit down. Can't keep directing him thru the tv to make the right turn, watch his step, stop mumbling, wake up and stay on topic. The whole US deserve stimulus checks for keeping him alive with something to do. Everybody else with that same state of mind is eating pudding and scratching.

Anonymous said...

He is not going to win

Anonymous said...

^ You wrong for that comment. But funny.

Anonymous said...

We need knew blood.

Anonymous said...

Great! Just what we need, this fool asleep at the wheel again!

Anonymous said...

Str8 💩💩💩💩💩

Anonymous said...

I see all the Maga trolls showed up.

Anonymous said...

Go Biden!

Anonymous said...

🙌🏾 Yes go sit down 🪑 somewhere Biden.

Anonymous said...

1:45 That's your breathe you smell.

Anonymous said...

@1:56 I Don’t argue with children, grow the hell up. Be more original the next time.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ the Trump trolls bum rushing up in here all in their feelings. Please take yourselves back over to Sandra Rose.

Anonymous said...

2:06 You still responded like a hurt child. Take your own advice.

COOLKID said...

@1255pm so if our people go out and vote, what are we to expect in return for our vote?

Anonymous said...

Wow fighting over two old white dudes that don’t give a damn about none of y’all.

Anonymous said...

It don't have to be Trump it just needs to be someone who is lucid. It could be anyone else an 80 year old man if he chooses to remain working for fun cool but running a country. Nah. Mmm Mmm.
Go Biden? Where is he going but to put some ice on the place where he bumped his head. His wife wrong before anybody.

Anonymous said...

Its rigged. Dont bother voting. Focus on LOCAL elections

Anonymous said...

Go Biden!

Anonymous said...

Biden has my vote and I vote in EVERY election. Why? Because they (YT) don’t want us to vote. That alone is rea son for me.

I would roll with Biden on his worst day before I accept Trump on his best day.

I’d rather suffer under the Democrats. Republicans are trying to make it illegal for people to learn Black history. Republicans (like DeSantis) are only good for legislating hate against people like us.

Anonymous said...

No Biden Must Go we will not be played twice we wanted Bernie the party forced Biden on us because we were over trump No this time I will stay home

Anonymous said...

I never understood why a person would say I'm not voting. You're going to get somebody regardless. At least pick the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

It is rigged.

What part dont you understand?????

It was rigged when Hilary lost and rigged when Biden won.

Anonymous said...

Not only do humans have individual possession there is civilizational possession as well, a NATION can be possessed too!
The babylonians, the assyrians, the romans, the greek, etc...all the pagan deities that they worshiped are STILL being worshiped today!
There is a reason why G*d was taken out of the Public schools!
For my fellow truth seekers out there remember when Jesus said if you know G*d and than abandoned God, other spirits more evil. will come back and dwell there AGAIN, and the last state of that person/NATION becomes worse than the first. So it will be also with this evil generation”. Matthew 12:45

Now it makes sense that today, 2023 that if you send your child to public school there is a 50/50 chance they WON"T come back home the same gender they were BORN with?
You send your SON/Male to school and it comes back as a two headed woman dyke?
This country is SICK and Demonic! And will be blown away and turned to DUST no matter who you vote for!
Get your HOUSE in ORDER before you DIE !!!


Anonymous said...

Not getting my Black vote.

Anonymous said...

No tangibles? No vote.

Anonymous said...

Republicans let you know up front they don’t give a damn , Democrats pretend to give a damn. So basically we are damned if do damned if we don’t.

Anonymous said...

Propaganda is real... This admin sucks eggs hard 😱🤢
Trump was better

R in NYC said...

Go Biden!

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie will never get my vote.

Anonymous said...

He isn’t getting my vote!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 3:25 / 3:41. They just don’t get it whether they’re ignorant, naive, or just dumb. You who don’t actually vote, instead are “voting” for the worst against you out there.
2:15, Really? You don’t know what to expect? I don’t know what to expect either… but I know MY people move an inch forward instead of the steps backward Repubs desperately want to see happen. If they want to make voting harder for me, I’m definitely going to vote.

Anonymous said...

Shoot, even if we don’t move an inch forward and stay still, instead, I’m voting for that bc backwards should never be an option.

Anonymous said...

When I vote it will be Republican Party. I’ve had enough of the Democrats and their buffoonery.

Anonymous said...

Due to the food stamp termination no one is considering Biden for another term. It is what it is. You can’t make underhanded deals with other countries like the Ukraine giving them billions of US dollars and expect to be taken seriously. Biden has made a mockery of his presidency. That termination didn’t just impact the many black baby mothers you all like to put a focus on so much as if white people aren’t the majority receiving them. That’s where your ignorance is because you can’t see anything outside of your hood mentality. Many senior citizens and disable people have no option when it comes to choosing to pay for expensive medications over being able to eat. The sooner you wake up the sooner you will realize the Democratic Party does not care about you. Biden dangled that $2400 stimulus check in your face to get you all to vote for him and then when he got into office he quickly snatched it back.

Keep throwing that same narrative in people’s faces about people marching for you to vote to guilt trip people into voting Democrat and see how far that gets you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a bunch of SR folks came in full force. Please log off and go take your meds. No true black person is going to vote for Trump dumba$$.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone consider voting for Trump when he isn’t even a contender. Wake up from the delusional mindset of ignorance.

Anonymous said...

12:15 this site is no better than Sandra rose. Might be a little more worse because they both post degenerate negative stories.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024!!!!! Yeah I said it, and I mean it

Anonymous said...

12:03, you’re not bright because if the Repubs have full power, Medicare/caid, social security, and your need for food stamps will be gone. That’s their goal, yet, you people vote against their interests every time.

Kedarbenjudah said...

@12:55 ask yourself why they? better yet make a list of all of the campaign promises made to our people leading up to or during an election cycle that have been fulfilled or delivered on.

Kedarbenjudah said...

Gerald Ford spoke openly about the desire to have a woman president but the only way all the think tanks and politicos could see it coming to pass was for a male president to pass while in office and leave a female vice preisdent the presidency. This has been the plan from day one Joe is not coherent or aware of what is going on most of the time his last day are now. Face the facts the MLK move which he later greatly regretted was a move he felt would restore black peoples self dignity but after he had accomplished it he is quoted as saying "What difference does it make to if we can sit at the counter in a dinner if we can't afford the meal" hence his push for the poor and disenfranchised (majority black) which started the wheels turning for economic change soon after he was assassinated. The electoral college for almost the entirety of the existence of this country has selected the president. They chose who they want to manage the franchise in the words of the Honorable KRS-ONE he has ceremonial power only decisions are made elsewhere.

Anonymous said...


You’re not so bright. You think termination of Medicaid and other program only affect Democrats. Republicans receive most of those handouts.

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