This week Timothy Savage, the father of R. Kelly's girlfriend Joycelyn Savage, announced that he feared she was dead and being impersonated by the person claiming to have given birth to R. Kelly's baby [click
here if you missed that].
The alleged Joycelyn speaks out...
So who is the bigger fool, the Daughter or the Parents?
You aint got R. Kellys kid girl. You aint fooling no one. NO ONE BELIEVES YOU. How you gonna get R.Kelly seed? You cant. He in JAIL. NO Sex visits. You are delusional. Parents, you just need to quit talking. You sold her to R.Kelly and she aint giving up on her dreams.
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For more detail...
Girl bye. You're holding onto a man that's never coming home while wasting your good years. At least the other sister wife wised up and got away.
This woman needs professional help and the love of her parents.
Parents just trying any means to shake her loose from Robert’s grasp. She may be an adult but she’s delusional and she was subject to long term sexual torture. Can’t fault them for trying.
All this time you got to "prove something" on the internet but no time to answer a video call from your parents. Grown by age but not by actions or thought process. How are you not being controlled now? Kelz ain't coming home. Get out and go live your life while you can because one day you're going to look back at all the time you pissed away being a fool and regret it. Miserably.
The parents are trash! They sold this girl to that man but because she picked Robert Kelly over them. Her mother & father lost out on the money, influence and fame. He's in prison and this girl is still not interested in fooling with her parents. Now they come up with a story of her no longer being alive to trick her into communicating with them to prove otherwise. Her father should focus more on his wife, her addictions and horrible skin, instead of running to social media whenever he needs attention.
^^^You got facts or is this supposition (yeah, we know it’s supposition). R Kelly tricked errybody. Girl was sexually abused and terrorized. She needs help, coming from anybody.
To: 5:32 PM
Of course Joycelyn needs help but it's not going to come from her ignorant parents because they started all this. Their fame mongering is the problem and it's obvious to everyone Joycelyn wants nothing to do with them. She's an adult and if she wanted to come home, she would do that just like the other girls who were once with R Kelly. There's a reason why out of all of the girls, she is the only one that refused to go home.
Just the simply fact that she feels safer wid an abuser mote than she do wid he4 parents speak volumes about the.
And weren't they the ones who bring her 2 Him in da 1st place
You got facts, or is this conjecture (well, we know it's supposition). R Kelly duped everyone. The girl was sexually abused and traumatized; she needs aid from anyone.
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