Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Wendy Williams Brother Shares an Update

Ailing daytime talk show host Wendy Williams' formerly estranged brother shares a picture of Wendy and an update on her health...

From The Sun
Tommy captioned the snap which was shared to a private Wendy Williams Facebook fan group, writing: “I’m encouraging everyone to remain faithful that our girl Wendy will pull through this fog, push through the clouds into the light!”
Wendy's younger brother added that while his sister is “recovering and strengthening daily,” he hasn’t been posting as much lately.
He said: “I’ve been away from my platform for a while as we circle the wagons and deal with the reality that family needs me. There is no script, views or ratings attached to genuine support."
"You all have exemplified support for my family and we are truly grateful,” he added before encouraging people to subscribe to his YouTube for more updates on his sister’s progress.