This week Lauryn Hill and Rohan Marley's 21-year-old daughter Selah candidly spoke about the trauma caused by her parent's wildly dysfunctional relationship and her father's chronic absenteeism [click here if you missed that].
Selah clarifies her remarks...
In a video posted on Instagram Selah defends her father, claiming she NEVER said he was a deadbeat, just that he wasn't around. Selah begged fans to STOP bashing her father on his social media accounts and insists they have a much better relationship now.
Selah also complained that her comments were taken out of context claiming she spent two whole hours discussing her healing but the two minutes she spent discussing what caused her pain are the only thing being talked about. Selah also announced she wouldn't be spilling anymore family tea.
Rohan commented on Selah's post telling her he completely understood what she meant and loves her.