Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Jay Z Denies Protesting The National Anthem

On Super Bowl Sunday Jay Z and Beyoncé raised eyebrows by remaining seated during the National Anthem despite Jay Z's assertion that we're 'past kneeling' in regards to exiled NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick's kneeling during the National Anthem to bring awareness to unpunished police brutality in the Black community [click here if you missed that].

Jay sets the record straight calling the move unintentional....

During a panel at Columbia University Jay explained both he and Beyoncé were in 'artist mode' before the anthem, checking for sound and timing of the mics.

Jay insists,
"Sorry, It really wasn't [a protest]....What had happened was we get there and we immediately jump into artist mode..." 
"So now I'm just really looking at the show. Did the mics start? Was it too low to start? "