Lauryn Hill apologizes to her fans in Pairs after showing up late and having her mic cut by the venue...
Below is a recap of what happened from a fan.
Let's recap ...
Lauryn arrives with 2h 30min late. I had announced 1h 30min 53 minutes of show (Not 23 minutes as some have said)! You must know that she keeps her 4 flagship pieces for the end of her concert.
She makes 1 (my favorite) But before the end of the piece the light of the room lights up (1st warning of Bercy) It is 23:30. She will start her 2nd tune but the room cuts the sound of the musicians. It's 23:34 She says "it does not matter, we will do it acapella".
Even before she has time to sing the first words of Killing Me Softly mute the microphone It's 23:35 End Of The Concert Thank you goodbye 4 concert tickets Avion restaurant hotel 1000 euros. Eighteen euros a minute.